Visit to JA Tan’s Studio

Recently ExDx Research Fellow Dr Steven Kapp went to meet one of the project’s featured artists, JA Tan, in his native habitat. His studio is in Vancouver, Canada on Granville Island, is a creative paradise where artists study, work, and show or sell their products in crafts shops, boutiques, and galleries. Indeed, JA studied down the road at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design.







A table with awards and honours for some of JA’s achievements over the years greets entrants to his studio. His beautiful paintings decorated the peaceful space, illustrating scenes inspired by his travels around the world as well as his inner experiences. It was exciting to see the full-size piece ‘Throwing a Party’, which the ExDx website features on JA Tan’s page:!

Thank you to JA and his mother Zelie and father Vince for their generous hospitality in Vancouver, and it was lovely to see them again in San Diego.

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