Postdoctoral Fellowships at UC Berkeley

The S.V. Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellowships in Natural Resource Economics and Political Economy will be awarded for the 2014-15 academic year to support advanced research at the University of California, Berkeley.

For the purposes of this fellowship, natural resources are defined broadly to include environmental resources. The fellowship encourages, but is not limited to, policy- oriented research. Applications are open to scholars from any social science discipline and related professional fields such as law and planning, who will make significant contributions to research on natural resource economics broadly defined. Preference will be given to proposals whose orientation is broadly institutional and/or historical, and which are conceptually and theoretically innovative. Proposals with a primarily statistical or econometric purpose are not eligible for consideration.

Application deadline is December 9, 2013.

For more information, please visit:

Applicants must have received their doctorate or equivalent within the last five years. The total duration of an individual’s postdoctoral service may not exceed five years, including postdoctoral service at other institutions.

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

See here for the original posting of this advertisement.

The TRIPS Agreement and Access to Medicine

The Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) agreement is an undertaking by members of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to respect each others’ property rights.  At its inception, its main purpose was to protect the intellectual property rights (IPRs) of Northern firms, who have historically tended to be the main innovators, in Southern markets where imitation was prevalent.  It was granted as a quid pro quo for easier entry of Southern products into Northern markets.  Two main issues have arisen as a result of the introduction of TRIPS.  One concerns the effect on Southern industrial development, and whether this is made more difficult in the face of more stringent intellectual property protection.  The other is the effect on Southern consumers, particularly with regard to their access to medicine.  In both cases, the policy interactions can be quite intricate.  For example, even with the TRIPS agreement in place, Northern governments still have control over whether exhaustion of IPR protection is national or international, essentially governing whether Northern retailers can sell goods on in other markets that they have bought at home.  Under an amendment to the TRIPS agreement, Southern governments can license products to local producers on a compulsory basis.  And firms can decide which markets they serve.  The interaction of these policies and entry decisions has a critical bearing on the welfare implications.

Bond R. and K. Saggi, (2012); “Compulsory licensing, price controls, and access to patented foreign products.” Vanderbilt University typescript.

Branstetter L., R. Fisman and F. Foley, (2006); “Do stronger intellectual property rights increase international technology transfer? Empirical evidence from U.S. firm-level data.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(1): 321–349. [Earlier version]

Branstetter L., R. Fisman, F. Foley and K. Saggi, (2011); “Does intellectual property rights reform spur industrial development?” Journal of International Economics, 83(1): 27–36. [Earlier version]

Chaudhuri, S., P .Goldberg and P. Jia, (2006); “Estimating the effects of global patent protection in pharmaceuticals: a case study of quinolones in India.” American Economic Review, 96(5): 1477–514. [Earlier version]

Goldberg P.K., (2010); “Intellectual property rights protection in developing countries: the case of pharmaceuticals.” Journal of the European Economic Association, 8(2-3): 326-353. [Earlier version]

Grossman G.M. and E. Lai, (2008); “Parallel imports and price controls.” Rand Journal of Economics, 39(2): 378–402. [Earlier version]

Ivus, O., (2010); “Do stronger patent rights raise high-tech exports to the developing world? ” Journal of International Economics, 81(1): 38–47. [Earlier version]

Javorcik B., (2004); The composition of foreign direct investment and protection of intellectual property rights in transition economiesEuropean Economic Review, 48(1):39–62. [Earlier version]

Richardson M., (2002); “An elementary proposition concerning parallel imports.” Journal of International Economics, 56(1): 233–245.

Saggi, K., (2013); “Market power in the global economy: The exhaustion and protection of intellectual property.” The Economic Journal, 123 (567): 131–161. [Earlier version]

Valletti T.M., (2006); “Differential pricing, parallel trade, and the incentive to invest.” Journal of International Economics, 70(1): 314–24.

Valletti T.M. and S. Szymanski, (2006); “Parallel trade, international exhaustion and intellectual property rights: a welfare analysis.” Journal of Industrial Economics, 54(4): 499–526. [Earlier version]

Self-Enforcing Trade: Developing Countries and WTO Dispute Settlement

The World Trade Organization — backbone of today’s international commercial relations — requires member countries to self-enforce exporters’ access to foreign markets. Its dispute settlement system is the crown jewel of the international trading system, but its benefits still fall disproportionately to wealthy nations. Could the system be doing more on behalf of developing countries? In Self-Enforcing Trade, Chad P. Bown explains why the answer is an emphatic “yes.”

Bown argues that as poor countries look to the benefits promised by globalization as part of their overall development strategy, they increasingly require access to the WTO dispute settlement process to protect their trading interests. Unfortunately, the practical realities of WTO dispute settlement as it currently stands create a number of hurdles that prevent developing countries from enjoying the trading system’s full benefits. This book confronts these challenges.

Self-Enforcing Trade examines the WTO’s “extended litigation process,” highlighting the tangle of international economics, law, and politics that participants must master. He identifies the costs that prevent developing countries from disentangling the self-enforcement process and fully using the WTO system as part of their growth strategies. Bown assesses recent efforts to help developing countries overcome those costs, including the role of the Advisory Centre on WTO Law and development focused NGOs. Bown’s proposed Institute for Assessing WTO Commitments tackles the largest remaining obstacle currently limiting developing country engagement in the WTO’s selfenforcement process — a problematic lack of information, monitoring, and surveillance. [Publisher’s book website]

Book review by Kent Jones in The Review of International Economics, 19 (4): 789-790, September 2011.

Book review by Soo Yeon Kim in The Review of International Organizations, 5 (4): 497-499, December 2010.

Book review by John Whalley in Governance, 23(4): 700-702, October 2010.

Book review by Bashar H. Malkawi in Political Studies Review, 9(3): 392, September 2011. (Scroll down to International Relations.)

Book review by Elimma C. Ezeani in Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, 9(2): 213 – 215, 2010.

Book review by Diane A. Desierto in Yale Journal of International Law, 35: 538-541, January 2010

Book review by Anastasios Gourgourinis in International Community Law Review, 12(3): 391-393, July 2010


DFID Research: call for proposals for systematic reviews for international development

Providing a more robust evidence base for policy makers and practitioners.

The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) is expanding an exciting systematic review programme that aims to strengthen evidence-informed decision making. DFID has developed a set of systematic review questions based on policy and practice priorities and is now calling for proposals from interested reviewers to conduct a systematic review.

The questions include topics such as:

  • infrastructure
  • growth
  • humanitarian assistance
  • education

Please see the terms of reference and the full list of questions for more detailed information on the call. Interested parties can download the application form here.

The information above was originally posted here.

Welcome new research assistant

We would like to welcome our new research assistant, Kritchasorn Jarupasin, to InsTED.  He is a PhD student in the department of economics at the University of Exeter Business School and his PhD thesis is on topics relevant to the network.  Thanks to the University of Exeter Business School’s seedcorn research fund and the HASS ‘global uncertainties’ theme for supporting his position.

Kiel Institute´s Excellence Award in Global Economics Affairs 2014

Economists until the age of 35 (born 1978 or later) are invited to apply for this award by submitting up to three published or unpublished papers in the field of global economic affairs, and specifically pertaining to the following areas:

International Trade and FDI
Knowledge Creation and Growth
Poverty Reduction, Equity and Development
Environmental Policy
Reforming the Welfare Society
Labour Market Policy
Monetary Policy
Financial Markets and Macroeconomic Activity

Submission of a paper does not preclude publication in the standard outlets. Submitted papers may include coauthored papers.

The aim of the Excellence Award is to build a community of the brightest young researchers in the area of global economic affairs.

Submitted papers will be evaluated by a jury. The top contestants will be granted the “Excellence Award in Global Economic Affairs” at a prize-giving ceremony at the Kiel Institute. In addition, they will receive a Research Fellowship at the Kiel Institute, entitling them to a research visit to the Institute, all expenses paid. Research Fellows will receive research support, access to the Institute’s Virtual Research Communities and the opportunity
to participate in the Institute’s research projects and events.

There are four named Research Fellowships: the “Horst Siebert Fellowship”, the “Porsche Fellowship”, the “Landeshauptstadt Kiel Fellowship” and the “Birke Hospitality Fellowship”. Further information is provided on the Excellence Award website:

Papers should be submitted as email attachment to together with

Royal Economic Society Conference 2014 in Manchester

* Deadline for the submission of papers: 13 October 2013.  This must be done via the link available at

* Deadline for the submission of special session proposals: 3 November 2013.  These should be sent to the Programme Chair at the e-mail address below and should include a short description of the intended session along with the proposed list of contributors (typically three/four, perhaps including the proposer) and indicative paper titles.


The conference has a line-up of distinguished keynote speakers:

* David Autor (MIT) will deliver the EJ lecture;

* Sendhil Mullainathan (Harvard) will deliver the Hahn lecture;

* Hélène Rey (LBS) will deliver the Sargan lecture.


Further information about the conference, including details of financial assistance for PhD students, is available via .  Authors of papers accepted for presentation at the 2014 RES conference will be entitled to submit their papers for possible publication in the associated conference issue of the Economic Journal.

Welcome new members

We would like to welcome the following new members of the InsTED network

Prof Nuno Limão (University of Maryland) His primary research interests are in international trade, trade policy, and political economy.

Prof Catia Montagna (University of Aberdeen) Her research interests are in firms in the global economy, labour markets trade and FDI, globalisation and the welfare state, and globalisation, economic insecurity and wellbeing.

Prof Hakan Yilmazkuday (Florida International University) His primary research fields are international economics, macroeconomics, monetary economics, with secondary fields in regional economics, and growth and development.

Featured Article: Limão and Saggi (2013)

The following article has been accepted for publication by the European Economic Review 

“Size Inequality, Coordination Externalities and International Trade Agreements”

by Nuno Limão and Kamal Saggi


Developing countries now account for a signfi…cant fraction of world trade and two thirds of the membership of the World Trade Organization (WTO). However, many are still individually small and thus have a limited ability to bilaterally extract and enforce trade concessions from larger developed economies even though as a group they would be able to
do so. We show that this coordination externality generates asymmetric outcomes under agreements that rely on bilateral threats of trade retaliation— such as the WTO— but not under agreements extended to include certain …financial instruments. In particular, we find that an extended agreement generates improvements in global efficiency and equity if it includes the exchange of bonds prior to trading but not if it relies solely on ex-post …fines. Moreover, a combination of bonds and fines generates similar improvements even if small countries are subject to financial constraints that prevent them from posting bonds.

Keywords: trade agreements, tariffs, bonds, fines.

JEL Classi…cations: F13, F42, K33, O1, O24

The full article is available as a Vanderbilt Working Paper and already appears on the European Economic Review website.  Please also note that we have added it to the topic ‘Reforming the World Trading System to Better Integrate Development Countries‘ on the InsTED site.