Call for Papers: 2nd International Conference on Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship

Date and Location

15 – 17 March, 2018

University of Münster, Germany


Keynote Speakers

Timur Kuran, Duke University

Uwe Sunde, LMU Munich


Conference Description

The conference addresses the origin and prospects of democracy and dictatorship, policy control and governance structures in comparative political systems and transition processes from dictatorship to democracy and vice versa.

Bringing together scholars interested in interdisciplinary work on comparative political systems is our focus.

We welcome theoretical as well as empirical papers by both economists and other social scientists with an interdisciplinary background. In particular, papers may cover topics such as:

•   Institutional change and prosperity

•   Violence and political stability

•   Constitutional history of democracy

•   Political economy of revolutions

•   Political accountability in autocracies

•   Culture, religion, and political institutions


Scientific Board

Thomas Apolte, University of Münster, Germany

Mario Ferrero, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy

Mario Gilli, Bicocca University Milan, Italy

Yuan Li, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany


Deadlines and Submissions

Abstract submissions:  September 1, 2017

Notification: October 1, 2017

Full paper submission deadline: January 31, 2018

Registration open: October 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017


Registration Fees

Before December 1, 2017:

Senior researchers:  100€

PhD students:  75€


From December 1, 2017:

Senior researchers:  140€

PhD students:  100€

Note: The registration fee covers catering during the coffee breaks as well as the receptions/dinner.


Conference Contact Information

The Chair of Political Economy

Scharnhorststr. 100

48151 Münster, Germany


8th Bolivian Conference on Development Economics

The 8th Bolivian Conference on Development Economics (BCDE8) will take place in Cochabamba, Bolivia, on Thursday October 26 and Friday October 27, 2017. The conference is jointly organized by the Institute for Advanced Development Studies (INESAD), the Society of Bolivian Economists (SEBOL), Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB), and the Bolivian Academy of Economic Science (ABCE).

The conference brings together local and international scholars for the exchange of ideas and discussion of recent results within theoretical and applied development economics research. We encourage young researchers to submit papers on all topics within the field of development economics. The conference keynote speakers are: Sara Farley (Global Knowledge Initiative) and Carlos Végh (World Bank).

Paper submissions

Deadline: is Friday August 11, 2017. Please submit your papers here:

All submitted papers will be reviewed prior to acceptance for presentation. The review process will finish by Friday September 1, 2017, and the organizers will notify applicants of the outcome by email. A program with details of all scheduled presentations will be posted at the Conference’s web site:

Travel and accommodation

All participants must cover their own travel and accommodation costs, but the organizers have arranged for preferential rates at hotels in Cochabamba. Information about the city and logistics is available at

travel stipend of up to 700 USD will be offered to some of the successful applicants residing outside Bolivia, based on the quality of their submissions. Applicants interested in being considered for one of these stipends should send an email to Ricardo Nogales () after submitting their papers.

Program committee

  • Ricardo Nogales (Universidad Privada Boliviana)
  • Marcelo Cardona (University of Copenhagen)
  • Pablo Cuba Borda (Federal Reserve Board)
  • Pablo Selaya (University of Copenhagen)
  • Mauricio Tejada (ILADES – Universidad Alberto Hurtado)

Understanding Fair Trade

Fair Trade is a social initiative that attempts to aid small producers and workers in developing countries, by offering them better terms of trade and helping them to organize, both economically and politically.  It works through a certification system overseen by nongovernmental organizations, such as Fairtrade International.   A certified product signals to consumers that producers were paid a minimum price and that the product meets specific requirements for certification.  Most of the products are commodities, including coffee, tea, cocoa, flowers, sugar, fruits, gold, and honey.  Coffee has received most of the attention from research due to the large number of producers located in various developing countries.  Over time, researchers in economics have asked important questions about the effectiveness of Fair Trade in achieving its proposed economic development goals and the long term implications of the certification system.

Fair Trade sceptics are concerned about the distortions that price floors and the requirement that firms be ‘small’ to qualify for benefits introduce to incentives.  For example, it has been argued that producers will not seek to improve their production methods because remaining small enables them to keep Fair Trade certification (and the rents from the price floor). This perpetuation of inefficiency, it is argued, will prevent them from lifting themselves out of poverty. Sceptics also claim that a higher price can lead to over-supply and create additional distortions in the world market.

One response to the latter criticism is a theoretical model showing that when a Fair Trade certified product is treated as a differentiated product, with distinct supply and demand curves, and the number of Fair Trade contracts satisfies demand, the certification system does not result in over-supply.  If the intermediaries buying the certified products are oligopsonistic, the Fair Trade system enables producers to recover profit from the intermediaries.  Although this model, as well as other models in the literature, rely on the assumption that consumers care about the production process being socially or environmentally responsible, the market outcome improves without introducing additional distortions.  Other economic models that explore how free entry dissipates rents in the long run derive different conclusions. One model shows that, if demand is inelastic, producers have an incentive to continue entering the market until the expected benefit of Fair Trade certification equals the cost of acquiring it.  This means that the rents from the price floor are channeled towards the costs of certification, which would defeat the purpose of Fair Trade in helping poor producers.  However, this detrimental outcome is not assured in an environment where there are barriers to entry, such as an upper limit to firm size.

Finally, there are methodological issues related to the empirical evaluation of Fair Trade.  It is well documented in the literature that certified producers sell and produce more with better quality than non-certified ones.  However, it is unclear whether there is an omitted variable that causes them to produce more or, alternatively, whether the certification itself causes them to perform better.  Moreover, it is unclear what is driving producers into the certification process.  On the negative side, they are small, have limited access to credit, and limited market access.  On the positive side, they are found to be more entrepreneurial, have better organizational skills, and are more willing to co-operate with others.  This mix of findings suggests that some aspects of Fair Trade and its consequences are not yet well understood and more research in the topic is necessary.

Booth, Phlip and Linda Whtstone (2007) “Half a Cheer for Fair Trade,” Economic Affairs, 27 (2): 29-36. [working paper]

Collier, Paul (2007) The Bottom Billion, New York: Oxford University Press.

de Janvry, Alain, Craig McIntosh and Elizabeth Sadoulet (2015) “Fair Trade and Free Entry: Can a Disequilibrium Market Serve as a Development Tool?The Review of Economics and Statistics, 97 (3): 567-573. [working paper]

Dragusanu Raluca and Nathan Nunn (2015) “The Impacts of Fair Trade Certification: Evidence From Coffee Producers in Costa Rica,” Working Paper

Dragusanu, Raluca, Daniele Giovannucci and Nathan Nunn (2014) “The Economics of Fair Trade,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 28 (3): 217-236.

Griffiths, Peter (2012) “Ethical Objections to Fairtrade,” Journal of Business Ethics, 105 (3): 357-373. [working paper]

Podhorsky, Andrea (2013) “Certification Programs and North-South Trade,” Journal of Public Economics 108: 90-104.

Podhorsky, Andrea (2015) “A Positive Analysis of Fairtrade Certification,” Journal of Development Economics, 116: 169-185.

Richard Baldwin – The Great Convergence: Information Technology and the New Globalization

“Between 1820 and 1990, the share of world income going to today’s wealthy nations soared from twenty percent to almost seventy. Since then, that share has plummeted to where it was in 1900. As Richard Baldwin explains, this reversal of fortune reflects a new age of globalization that is drastically different from the old. In the 1800s, globalization leaped forward when steam power and international peace lowered the costs of moving goods across borders. This triggered a self-fueling cycle of industrial agglomeration and growth that propelled today’s rich nations to dominance. That was the Great Divergence. The new globalization is driven by information technology, which has radically reduced the cost of moving ideas across borders…” [Publisher’s book website]

Reviews / Comments

Book review by Diane Coyle, November 2016

Book review by Bradford Delong, March 2017

Book review by The Economist, November 2016

Book review by Juliet Webster in The Times, January 2017

Book review by Martin Wolf in the Financial Times, December 2016


Fully funded Economics studentships available at the University of Edinburgh

The School of Economics at the University of Edinburgh is looking for outstanding candidates to take up fully funded PhD opportunities.

We offer supervision on a wide range of topics, with particular strengths in:

  • Economic Theory (contract theory, game theory, micro and macro)
  • Labour Economics (micro and macro)
  • Applied Econometrics (micro, macro, health and education)
  • Behavioural and Experimental Economics

Our doctoral programme

Our doctoral programme is structured to ensure that you receive training throughout your first year including in the following areas: microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics. You will also begin to develop your research. After first year, you will focus on your research and the development of your thesis.

Our research community

You will join an active research community and participate in regular seminars hosted by academics of international reputation, workshops and discussion groups.

Entrance requirements

The normal requirement for entry to the programme is a distinction in a masters in economics from a UK University or its international equivalent. If English is not your first language, you will need to demonstrate proficiency in English. More information about entrance requirements are available here.

In addition, all applicants’ research interests must match with our own. Applicants are encouraged to visit our website to see areas in which we can offer supervision. For more information, please visit this page

Applicants will be asked to write a short research summary (up to 1500 words) explaining how their research interests match our own and briefly demonstrating their understanding of the topic, primary literature and how they might approach their given topic.

How to apply

For more information about our programme you can visit the Economics prospective website

Interested candidates can also contact Fiona Ross at  for further information.

You can submit an application, along with your transcript, degree certificate and research summary, by visiting the Economics degree page

* The University of Edinburgh is consistently ranked within the world’s top 50 universities.

Closing date

Early applications are encouraged. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis but with an absolute deadline of 30th June 2017.

6th Annual CIRANO-Sam M. Walton College of Business Workshop on Networks in Trade and Finance Call For Papers

On behalf of CIRANO and the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas, the organizers invite papers for the 6th Annual Workshop on Networks in Trade and Finance to be held Friday September 29 and Saturday September 30, 2017 in Montreal, Canada. This conference builds on the successful CIRANO Workshops on Networks in Trade and Finance that have taken place in Montreal and Fayetteville, Arkansas over the last five years. The program for the workshop in October 2016 can be viewed at

THEME: Networks are everywhere. Global trade, supply chains, financial markets, the World Wide Web, professional and social communities are examples of interconnected systems that are important to the structure and function of the modern world. Networks are a general yet powerful means of representing patterns of connections or interactions between parts of such systems. The network approach facilitates an understanding of mechanisms and reveals patterns in the data that are difficult to see using other approaches. Of particular recent interest is the role of networks in facilitating the development and dissemination of innovation and new technologies. With this as the leitmotiv, this workshop aims to bring together a group of researchers in the related areas of trade, finance, economic development, sociology, and business, with the following goals:
– Demonstrate the value of the network approach for generating novel insights into these areas.
– Foster a cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas and methods within the field of researchers in these areas.
– Explore the potential for real-world applications of the network approach that will be of value to practitioners in various fields of business and government, such as finance, logistics, healthcare, transportation, communication, economic development, and social media.

Both theoretical and applied studies are welcomed.

PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Extended abstracts or papers (completed papers preferred) should be sent to the e-mail address before July 15, 2017. The workshop program will be determined by July 30. For general questions regarding the conference email

SUPPORT: There will be no registration or other fees. For those on the workshop program the organizers will provide accommodation for two nights in Montreal. Lunch and dinner during the workshop will be provided for all registered participants. The conference will take place from 9am to 5pm on Friday September 29 and from 9am to 1pm on Saturday September 30. The conference dinner will be on Friday September 29.

Raja Kali, University of Arkansas and CIRANO
Ari Van Assche, HEC Montreal and CIRANO
Ekaterina Turkina, HEC Montreal
Arya Gaduh, University of Arkansas
Andrea Civelli, University of Arkansas

Research Fellowships UNSW SYDNEY

Economics – Resources
Economics – Public Finance
Economics – Microeconomics
Economics – Macroeconomics
Economics – International
Economics – Industrial Organization
Economics – General

  • One of Australia’s leading research & teaching universities
  • Vibrant campus life with a strong sense of community & inclusion
  • Enjoy a career that makes a difference by collaborating & learning from the best

At UNSW, we pride ourselves on being a workplace where the best people come to do their best work.

UNSW is already at the cutting edge of academia with a strong and growing international reputation. A global leader in discovery, innovation, impact, education and thought leadership, can make an enormous differences to the lives of people in Australia and around the world. The announcement of our largest-ever academic recruitment initiative is a key step in augmenting our existing world-leading research capabilities.

About the role

Appointment level will be negotiable at either academic levels A, B C or D prior to appointment.

The UNSW Scientia Fellowship Program is one of the cornerstones of UNSW’s 2025 Strategy. The project’s aim is to attract and retain the best and brightest people, with outstanding research track records, to UNSW. A primary goal of the scheme is to enhance UNSW research performance by attracting and retaining exceptional researchers at the highest level of performance.

About the successful applicant

To be successful in this role you will:

  • be a researcher performing at the highest level of the equivalent academic level in the relevant discipline (relative to opportunity) – Levels A-D
  • undertake significant, innovative research which is aligned with the research areas identified for the 2018 round
  • be aligned with the strategic goals of UNSW’s 2025 Strategy

For general information about the scheme, including guidelines and FAQs please visit

For any general enquiries about the scheme not covered by the guidelines and FAQs please contact:

Jul. 12, 2017

Diversity and Inclusion at UNSW

UNSW’s 2025 Strategy states that our aspiration is to be recognised as an international exemplar in equity, diversity and inclusion and an employer of choice for people from diverse backgrounds. Our aim is to achieve this by embracing the diversity and cultural richness of our communities; ensuring that our staff and students can achieve their full potential in a supportive and inclusive work environment. Our diversity commitment aligns to our strong sense of social responsibility and our belief that a diverse workforce enhances our ability to deliver world class research, teaching excellence and thought leadership.

PhD Scholarships at The University of Queensland School of Economics


The UQ School of Economics invites applications from highly talented and motivated students to its PhD program.


The UQ School of Economics PhD Program attracts the brightest and best students in Australia and abroad, preparing them for successful careers in academia, government and business.

The PhD program of the School of Economics is an umbrella for a one-year master degree and a 3-4 year PhD degree. Incoming students are accepted into the Master of Advanced Economics (MAdvEcon) degree, in which the first year of coursework is taken.  Successful completion of the MAdvEcon with a GPA of 5.5 or higher on the 7-point UQ scale then allows students to enrol into the PhD degree. Within the PhD degree, students take the second year of coursework before embarking on the completion of their thesis over the subsequent 2-3 years.


The UQ School of Economics is one of the largest, most influential and prestigious economics departments in Australia and the Asia-Pacific.

Across all major global rankings, UQ is consistently among the top 100 universities in the world. According to RePEc, UQ Economics ranks among the top 50 economics departments in the world. Its diverse research strengths span economic theory, applied economics and econometrics. The faculty consists of some of the foremost researchers and accomplished scholars in their specialisation, along with a growing cohort of exceptional junior academics. Our faculty consistently claim a disproportionate share of Australia’s economics honours, competitive research grants, prestigious fellowships and high-quality publications.


This program is designed for students with prior training in economics or a cognate discipline with a strong analytical/mathematical component, who wish to acquire the advanced skills needed to practice as a professional economist in the public or private sectors. Admission to the program is highly competitive and only outstanding candidates with exceptional research potential are selected.

For details on how to apply, please contact the School’s Senior Research and Research Higher Degrees Officer ().


With a population of over two million people, Brisbane has been described as one of the most liveable cities in the world. It offers a vibrant, friendly and multicultural environment. Brisbane’s clear blue skies, warm sunny days and tropical ambience promote an outdoor lifestyle. As Australia’s third largest city, Queensland’s capital is a vibrant hub for visitors and locals alike.

UQ and the School of Economics reflect the multicultural aspect of the city with a high and ever increasing proportion of international students from all over the world. The School of Economics has 1200 students enrolled, including more than 450 international students from 48 countries. More information about UQ for international students, including the study environment, links to estimated living costs, support services, information for students with families can be found at

Area of Study or Research:

  • Economics

Application Requirements:

  • Personal data/curriculum vitae
  • English proficiency certificate
  • Transcript of records

Scholarships: PhD-Program “Taxation and social policy under growing inequality”

Joint with Hans-Böckler-Foundation, the Free University of Berlin is awarding three-year phd-stipends to support research on public economics and inequality. The selected candidates will participate in the phd-program titled “Taxation and social policy under growing inequality”. Candidates must be fluent in German. Deadline for the application is 30/06/2017.

Area of Study or Research:

  • Economics
  • Politics
  • Statistics

Application Requirements:

  • Personal data/curriculum vitae
  • Motivation letter
  • Research Proposal
  • Transcript of records

Asymmetric Shocks in Trade Distances

The correlation between trade and income has been extensively documented in empirical research.  But the ‘endogeneity issue’ of whether trade increases income or income increases trade has not received a definite answer.  The first attempts to solve the endogeneity issue involved the use of geographical instruments.  A natural choice of instrument is the geographical distance from one country to other countries, since distance provides considerable information about trade volumes.  For example, New Zealand is far from most other countries and the amount it trades is reduced when compared to Belgium, which is close to many of the world’s richest countries.  But the concern with this approach is that distance may be acting through channels other than trade.  For example, countries close to the equator may be further from the world’s richest countries, but this happens to coincide with the fact that they have weak institutions, which may be the real cause for reduced trade volumes.

An alternative approach, which still relies on geography as an instrument for trade, is to observe natural experiments that generate asymmetric shocks in trade distances. One type of experiment focuses on the effects of trade disruption associated with wars or natural disasters.  The Six Day War fought between Israel and Egypt, which resulted in the closure of the Suez Canal between 1967 and 1975, is an example of such a natural experiment.  Because the Suez Canal provides the shortest sea route between Asia and Europe, its closure implied that in some cases the transport of goods through the alternative route around the Cape of Good Hope would take almost double the nautical miles.  This variation in shipping distance allows for the analysis of the impact of pure transportation costs on trade and the effect of trade on output.  Another experiment, that explores the effects of unexpected variation in trade distances in a similar manner, focuses on air transportation.  It uses the two months disruption in flights caused by the eruption of a volcano in Iceland in 2010, allowing for the direct analysis of goods flows to European destinations, and an indirect analysis of non-European destinations via network effects.  Not only do both of these experiments enable the evaluation of the effect of trade to be free from confounding factors, like the movement of people.  They also create the opportunity for research in economic development, patterns of production specialization across countries, and the ability of supply chains to react to these shocks.

A second type of natural experiment is the change in transportation technology over time.  One striking example is the reduction of the costs of air freight between 1955 and 2004, which fell by a factor of ten, leading to a substantial shift toward air freight around the globe.  Similar effects have been found for the development of ‘containerization’ in shipping.  Both of these innovations can be interpreted in terms of a change in the physical distance between countries over time that may be used to identify the effect of trade on income.  One of the main findings of the work on air freight is that, in general, trade has a significant positive effect on income.  However, a different technological shock indicates a more nuanced story.  Going back to the first wave of globalization at the end of 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, the invention of the steamship removed the dependence of transport on wind.  This produced an asymmetric change in shipping times across countries because some shipping routes benefited more from trade winds than others.  After this change, the research found that the income per capita gap between poor and rich countries increased even more.  One explanation is that a reduction in relative trade costs together with increasing returns in manufactures causes a process of industrial agglomeration that is beneficial for countries that specialize in manufacturing but might actually harm countries that specialize in agriculture which is characterized by constant returns to scale.  Since this suggests that a reduction in trade costs across countries does not automatically generate large positive effects on economic development, more research is necessary to understand the mechanisms through which trade may lead to positive effects on income.

Bernhofen, Daniel M. & El-Sahli, Zouheir & Kneller, Richard, 2016. “Estimating the Effects of the Container Revolution on World Trade.” Journal of International Economics, 98: 36-50. [working paper].

Besedes, Tibor, Antu Mushid (2017) “Experimenting with Ash: The Trade-Effects of Airspace Closures in the Aftermath of Eyjafjallajökull,” Working Paper.

Frankel, Jeffrey and David Romer (1999) “Does Trade Cause Growth? American Economic Review, 89 (3): 379-99.

Freyer, James (2009) “Trade and Income: Exploiting Time Series in Geography.” NBER Working Paper 14910.

Freyer, James (2009) “Distance, Trade, and Income: The 1967 to 1975 Closing of the Suez Canal as a Natural ExperimentNBER Working Paper 15557.

Gerritse, Michiel (2017) “Does Trade Cause Unfortunate Specialization in Developing Economies? Evidence from Countries South of the Suez Canal,” Working Paper.

Pascali, Luigi (forthcoming) “The Wind of Change: Maritime Techonology, Trade, and Economic Development,” American Economic Review. [working paper]

Rodriguez, Francisco. and Dani Rodrik (2000) “Trade Policy and Economic Growth: A Skeptics Guide to the Cross-national Evidence“. NBER Macroeconomics Annual 15, 261-338.