Conference: Tracking International Aid and Investment from Developing and Emerging Economies

Dear colleagues,

We invite submissions of one-page proposals for papers to be presented at our workshop “Tracking International Aid and Investment from Developing and Emerging Economies,” at Heidelberg University in Germany (September 22-23, 2017). Funding is available for 12 participants.

We will  grant pre-launch access to new datasets on georeferenced aid-like activities by China and India to selected researchers.

The submission deadline for the one-page proposals is May 1, 2017. Decisions will be send out on May 4.

Keynote speakers: David Dollar (Brookings Institution), Helen Milner (Princeton University), and Nancy Qian (Northwestern University)

Academic research on international aid and investment has largely focused on OECD countries as primary providers of such financing. In recent years, however, aid-like financial flows and foreign direct investments originating from developing and emerging economies, such as China and India, have become sizable. Proposals may either answer novel questions in economics, political science or other social sciences, or propose methodological advances related to the challenge of tracking developing and emerging countries’ aid and investments. Potential research questions include, but are not limited to:

  • What are the factors influencing emerging donors’ aid and investment flows?
  • What are their economic, political, social and environmental effects?
  • What are the methodological shortcomings of existing datasets and how can these be addressed?
  • Are the datasets made available by AidData and/or Heidelberg University reliable? How does the reliability of these data compare to alternative methods to estimate aid or investment flows from emerging economies?

More information can be found on our website:

Conference: 200 Years of Ricardian Trade Theory

Scientific Conference
“Celebrating 200 Years of Ricardian Trade Theory”
Birth of an Idea, Main Contribution, Modern Times and Impulses for Future Research in Trade Theory

At this international conference, renowned professors in economics present, discuss and reflect on aspects of Ricardian trade theory that goes back to Chapter 7 “On Foreign Trade” in David Ricardo’s ground-breaking book On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation published in 1817. Keynote speakers present their thoughts on (1) the main contribution of Ricardian trade theory, (2) the environment and source of the original idea and (3) the importance of the Ricardian model for the new trade theory and empirical analyses. In (4) a final panel, experts in the field present their thoughts on the future development of trade theory in the light of current developments in societies and trade policy. There will be commentators in each session and enough time for discussion.

Confirmed Active Participants:
Prof. Harris Dellas (University of Berne)
Prof. Jonathan Eaton (Pennsylvania State University)
Prof. Peter Egger (ETH)
Prof. Wilfred J. Ethier (University of Pennsylvania)
Prof. Simon Evenett (University of St. Gallen)
Prof. Carsten Hefeker (University of Siegen)
Prof. Ronald W. Jones (University of Rochester)
Prof. Antonio Loprieno (University of Basel)
Prof. Esteban Rossi-Hansberg (Princeton University)
Prof. Roy J. Ruffin (University of Houston)
Prof. Nicolas Schmitt (Simon Fraser University)
Prof. M. Scott Taylor (University of Calgary)
Prof. Rolf Weder (University of Basel)

Conference Date: May 12, 2017
Deadline for paper submissions: Apr 3, 2017
Deadline for participant registration: Monday, May 1, 2017



Job Opportunity: Researchers Ifo Center for Business Cycle Analysis and Surveys

The Ifo Center for Business Cycle Analysis and Surveys has an immediate vacancy for two post-doctoral economists as

Researchers (m/f)

This Ifo Center conducts macroeconomic and econometric research, does economic policy advisory work and is also responsible for the Institute’s economic forecasts. The successful candidate will primarily work as part of a team on drafting the Joint Economic Forecasts and Ifo’s economic forecasts. His/her research area will be international macroeconomics. S/he will present research results at conferences and in articles for peer-reviewed journals. The successful candidate is also expected to contribute to the acquisition of third-party projects and will have the opportunity to teach and habilitate at the University of Munich.

Applicants should have a doctorate in economics, an excellent command of English and German, and proven knowledge of international business cycle analysis, as demonstrated by a track record of publishing articles in high-level journals. Experience with DSGE models and macro-econometric methods are also desirable. Candidates require a solid grasp of the theoretical basics of economics and Europe’s institutional framework conditions.

Compensation and benefits are based on the German public service pay scale (TV-L). The working contract is initially limited to three years.

As an equal opportunity employer, the Ifo Institute encourages applications from men and women. Women are expressly encouraged to apply.

Please send your complete application by 9 April 2017, preferably via email (as a pdf file) to to the Ifo Institute, Poschingerstraße 5, 81679 Munich. Should you have any queries, please contact Susanne Crefeld or Juliane Neumeier at .

Call for Papers: ETSG 2017 Florence 19TH Annual Conference 14-16 September 2017 European University Institute and University of Florence

This is the nineteenth conference in what is now the largest (and friendliest) annual conference on international trade in the world.

ETSG 2017 is being hosted by the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute and the University of Florence (Italy). A website with details about location, hotels, and visa rules will be available.

The deadline to submit an abstract for possible presentation at the next ETSG Conference is FRIDAY APRIL 28, 2017. The Nineteenth Annual Conference of the ETSG will take place in Florence (Italy) on 14-16 September 2017.

Please visit the conference webpage ( for more information and submit your abstract on-line at

RIDGE Call for papers: Economic History, Energy and Natural Resources

The Research Institute for Development, Growth and Economics (RIDGE) is pleased to announce a call for papers for the Workshop on Economic History, Energy and Natural Resources to be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 26-27 May 2017. The deadline for submission is March 31, 2017 (12 AM ET).

RIDGE invites to send papers to this economic history workshop on all subjects of economic history provided they are particularly concerned with developing regions.

The workshop will be organized in two different sessions: the first one will be open to different topics of economic history, while the second one will focus on energy and natural resources in the economic history of developing regions.

One of the key debates in the field of economic development over the last two decades has been the relationship between the abundance of natural resources and economic development. Some ideas will be discussed: abundant natural resources are non-neutral for economic development; abundance is an endogenous process that responds to technological and institutional conditions, the characteristics of supply and demand, the linkages with other economic sectors, and the incidence of historical conditions; institutional quality is the main factor to deal with abundant natural resources. In this context, energy appears as an indispensable factor to generate wealth and welfare. No human activity is possible without energy use. In addition, to make it accessible and affordable energy sources must be transformed, and this process generates social relations and interaction between societies and their environment.
Diverse sources and forms of energy have been used over time and it has produced historical transitions. The analysis of the specificity of these processes allows us to discuss certain dynamics of economic development and inform us about their sustainability.

More information

Search and Matching, Contracting, and the Division of Gains from Trade

A well-known prediction in the “new” trade theory is that markups fall with trade liberalization.  The reason is that, because larger firms and/or more concentrated industries enjoy more market power, their prices are more responsive to an increase in foreign competition.  There are efficiency gains and consumers benefit from cheaper domestically produced and imported goods.  However, micro-econometric studies have revealed situations where this prediction fails in practice.  For example, one study on India’s trade liberalization shows that changes in marginal costs do not reflect perfectly changes in prices due to variable markups (i.e., there is incomplete pass-through).  Moreover, the most likely beneficiaries of trade liberalization are not consumers, but instead domestic Indian firms who enjoy lower production costs while simultaneously raise markups.  This type of non-standard outcome has given rise to a literature that evaluates, theoretically and empirically, the distribution of gains from trade liberalization among consumers, importers, exporters, and traders (aka intermediaries) as well as the implications for overall welfare.

One branch of the literature, by building on a search and matching approach, aims to quantify the gains from trade while allowing buyers and sellers to be heterogeneous.  One study on Colombia’s footwear industry suggests that the outcome from trade liberalization is more likely to be positive for welfare.  This is explained by the entry of Chinese firms into the Colombian market, combined with a reduction in search costs of Colombian traders acting as importers after liberalization.  In contrast, a different study shows that there is a loss of aggregate welfare in a country where the exporters’ bargaining power is small with respect to traders.  This setting is typical of developing countries with farmers as exporters negotiating with traders from developed countries. The intuition is that there is a trade externality underlying the search friction in goods markets that not only affects the division of surplus between farmers and traders, but also the entry of foreign traders into the market.  This, in turn, affects trading prospects of farmers who are not matched to a trader.  The loss of welfare occurs because farmers and traders only bargain after they find a match and their negotiations fail to internalize this externality.

Another branch of the literature uses a contracting approach to explore the idea that trade liberalization may induce firms to replace trade barriers with contracts that preclude consumers reaping the gains yielded by market integration.  The root of this issue is in the successive markups by exporters and traders that might emerge from an imperfectly competitive market structure (double marginalization).  In addition, if products are differentiated, competing traders impose a business-stealing effect on each other, which lowers their profits.  Exporters can overcome the inefficiency related to the double marginalization by offering bilateral contracts that specify fixed payments and quantities.  If the contract offered is also joint with the competing traders the business-stealing effect can be mitigated.  However the outcome may be detrimental to consumers: higher profits with restricted sales imply higher consumer prices.  Another study on Colombia finds that after the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement was signed and American exporters started to enjoy duty-free access to the Colombian market, product prices rose, lower quantities were shipped and the number of trader partners in Colombia was reduced.  But because contracting corrects for such inefficiencies the resulting effect on aggregate welfare is unclear.

As micro data become available, researchers will be able to evaluate the distributional implications of contracting and search-and-matching more accurately.  These will have the potential to make valuable contributions towards the determination of trade policies that lead to greater aggregate welfare.


Antràs, Pol and Arnaud Costinot (2011) “Intermediated Trade,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126: 1319-1374.

Bernard, Andrew B. and Swati Dhingra (2015) “Contracting and the Division of Gains from Trade“, Working Paper.

De Loecker, Jan, Pinelopi K. Goldberg, Amit K. Khandelwal and Nina Pavcnik (2016) “Prices, Markups, and Trade ReformEconometrica, 84 (2): 445-510. [working paper]

Eaton, Jonathan, David Jinkins, James Tybout and Daniel Yi Xu (2016) “Two-sided Search in International Markets,” Working Paper.

Raff, Horts and Nicholas Schmitt (2005): “Endogenous vertical restraints in international trade,” European Economic Review, 49 (7): 1877–1889 [working paper]

Rauch, James (1999) “Networks versus Markets in International Trade,” Journal of International Economics, 48: 7-35.

Tybout, James R. (2003): “Plant-and firm-level evidence on “new” trade theories,” In: E. Kwan Choi and James Harrigan (eds) Handbook of International Trade, Blackwell Publishing, Malden.


The Scientific Conference of Microfinance and Sustainable Development

The 2017 Annual Intellectual Symposium of Microfinance and Sustainable Development will take place this year on 20th June 2017. The Symposium is held every year in Ottawa, Canada to discuss intellectual research work on Microfinance and Sustainable Development and related domains.

The Conference is organized by ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc.®, Canada

All research work in the field of Microfinance and Sustainable Development and related areas are welcomed to be submitted for evaluation and for potential presentation at  . Deadline for paper submissions is 15th May 2017.

For more details and to register, please visit the conference website below.

Social Innovation Tournament

The Social Innovation Tournament recognises and supports the best European social entrepreneurs. It is organised every year in a different country to reward and sponsor European entrepreneurs whose primary purpose is to generate a social, ethical or environmental impact.

Four prizes are awarded by a Jury, composed of specialists from the academic and business world: General Category and Special Category 1st and 2nd Prizes of EUR 50 000 and EUR 20 000 respectively.  In 2017, the Special Category Prizes will go to projects focusing on ageing.

Projects are typically related to combating unemployment, marginalisation of disadvantaged communities and promoting access to education in a wide range of fields, from education and health care to natural or urban environment, through new technologies, new systems, and new processes.

The Tournament runs in two rounds. A Selection Committee comprised mainly of EIB Group experts in innovation, the environment, and other relevant disciplines, selects 15 finalists. The finalists are invited to a mentoring bootcamp to provide them with the necessary guidance for the finalisation of their proposals. In the Final Event, all the finalists have to present and defend their project to a Jury composed of social innovation specialists.

In 2017, the Final Event, will take place in Riga, Latvia, on 21 September, where the fifteen selected projects will compete for the four prizes and several mentoring vouchers.

The EIB Institute, in collaboration with the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, also organised for the first time in 2016 an SIT Impact Bootcamp where a dozen selected social entrepreneurs benefited from a full-time executive training course focused on scaling, pitching and engagement with investors.

If you have any questions, please email .

For more information about the SIT, please click on the links below.

Rules for applicants

Key dates & deadlines

Frequently Asked Questions

Scholarships for New MRes and PhD research programme in Economics

The Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow is now recruiting for the 2017 intake for our comprehensive MRes and PhD research programme in Economics.

The 2 year MRes programme is normally followed by the 3 year PhD stage. The University of Glasgow will fund up to six studentships covering tuition fees and a stipend for up to five years to enable students to receive comprehensive MRes (pre-PhD) training and to subsequently undertake research in a chosen field of economics, leading to a PhD.

Students are admitted first into a 2-year programme of coursework consisting of core courses in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics, followed by elective field courses, which leads to the MRes (Master in Research) degree.

Candidates who complete the MRes at a sufficiently high level are automatically admitted into the 3-year PhD programme of supervised independent research.

The Adam Smith Business School has a large group of research-active economists whose interests span a wide range of fields, allowing the school to offer supervision across most areas of economics and finance. The Economics group runs four seminar series and regularly hosts workshops and conferences.


The studentship will run for a maximum of 5 years. Each year’s funding is conditional on successful progression and acceptance into the PhD programme and includes:

  • tuition fees at the standard Home/EU or international rate
  • an annual bursary equivalent to the RCUK rate – £14,254 TBC for 2017/18
  • during the 3 PhD years there will be a research support grant of £750 per annum.

Entry Requirements

Candidates should hold a 2:1 Honours degree or non-UK equivalent (eg, a GPA of 3.0 or above) in Economics or a related subject with substantial technical component (e.g. Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Engineering) You will also need to submit a personal statement which clearly evidences a strong desire to pursue an academic career in Economics and show evidence of exposure to multivariable calculus, matrix algebra and basic probability/statistics. Only academic references will be accepted. Referees will know the applicants in the capacity of students/researchers, not from internship or work in private/public sector. Applicants are encouraged to submit any additional (academic) documents they believe will support their application.

To be eligible for this studentship, you must hold an offer for the MRes Economics at ASBS. Countries of eligibility are Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Wales, EU, and International.


Studentships are awarded on a competitive basis.

March 2017: First round of awards

Candidates who apply for the studentship and complete an application for the Economics MRes by 15 March will be considered for the studentship in the second half of March. Candidates will be informed of the outcome by email by 31 March 2017.

June 2017: Second round of awards

Candidates who apply for the scholarship and complete an MRes application by 1 June will be considered in June. Candidates will be informed of the outcome by email by 19 June 2017.


The largest city in Scotland, Glasgow has a reputation for being a welcoming, fun-filled and accessible place to live, with something to offer every taste and budget.

Whether you crave cosy campus living or big city excitement you’ll be inspired by our excellent location in the friendly West End of Glasgow.

With 560 years’ experience in producing academic excellence, the University of Glasgow has an impressive past. However, we’re always looking ahead and our role is to pass on our knowledge and expertise so that you can make the world a better place for yourself and for others.

Our students graduate equipped with the skills they need to compete in a global workplace, and with friendships and networks that last a lifetime.

How to apply

In addition to submitting an application for the MRes Economics programme the applicant should email stating that they wish to be considered for the scholarship and include their applicant ID.

For more information please contact:

For detailed information about the programme and the admission process please click on the link for Further Information below

Area of Study or Research:

  • Economics
  • Finance

Application Requirements:

  • You must hold an offer for the MRes Economics at ASBS

More Information

Call for Papers: Workshop on Political Economy, Rio de Janeiro Brazil, May 22-23 2017

The Research Institute for Development, Growth and Economics (RIDGE) and the LACEA Political Economy Group (PEG) are pleased to announce a call for papers for the RIDGE/LACEA-PEG Workshop on Political Economy to be held at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil, on 22-23 May 2017.

The deadline for submission is February 28/02/17

The 2017 meeting will take place in Rio de Janeiro, hosted by PUC-Rio, within the framework of the 2017 RIDGE May Forum along with the following workshops:

  • LACEA Trade, Integration and Growth Network, May 19-20 (Montevideo, Uruguay)
  • RIDGE/LACEA-PEG Workshop on Political Economy, May 22-23 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
  • Impact Evaluation of Labor Market Policies, May 24-26 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
  • Public Economics, May 25-26 (Montevideo, Uruguay)
  • Economic History, May 26-27 (Montevideo, Uruguay)

The Political Economy Group of LACEA has held annual meetings since 1998. As in previous years, the 2017 meeting aims to promote the discussion around the connection between economics and politics that is relevant for Latin American and Caribbean economies. The focus of the meeting will be on the connection between economics and political institutions broadly understood, including legislatures, courts, executives, political parties, elections, weakly institutionalized environments, the institutions of federalism and the workings of the public service.

The accepted contributions are expected to be relevant for understanding the most challenging problems of Latin America and Caribbean countries. This allows for papers addressing issues in other regions when those issues are deemed relevant to the Latin American context. Studies of specific Latin American countries, as well as comparative institutional analyses are also welcome. Both theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome. There will be a dedicated discussant for each paper, as well as open floor discussion.

LACEA-PEG co-directors: Ernesto Dal Bó (UC Berkeley) Claudio Ferraz (PUC-Rio) Scientific Committee: Timothy Besley (LSE) Ernesto Dal Bó (UC Berkeley) Claudio Ferraz (PUC-Rio) Frederico Finan (UC Berkeley) Alvaro Forteza (U de la República) Ernesto Stein (IADB)

The RIDGE Forums and LACEA networks aim to favor the spread of high quality research in economics by bringing together top local and regional researchers working on the frontier of knowledge and policymakers. Participants to any workshop are welcome and encouraged to attend the other workshops.