Week 4 – A Visit to the Lynx Centre

This week the focus was on lip syncing and sound breakdown. Members of the group were encouraged to think about the different movements made by the mouth when speaking and then to make these shapes out of Plasticine. These models were then accompanied with sound through the use of an app. Examples of some works are pictured below.

Some members of the group continued work from the previous sessions. So again, the chance to make motion pictures with mirrors was given with the bringing in of the praxinoscope and zoetrope – some great designs were created.

Other members were innovative enough to combine the skills they had learnt with the lip syncing and apply
them to making a flip book.

Stop motion animation was also continued with various clay models being made and manipulated. One example below being the squashing of a penguin, reminiscent of Pingu.

As always, everyone involved had an interesting session where they were able to think about lots of different aspects of animation and try them out for themselves.


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