Peter Leposo – My Life Since I Encountered Mindful Learning.

“I was not the kind of a person I am today as I speak, not aware of myself and the surrounding, being oppressed by the adversities and with lose of hope in the life despite and in spite of life imprisonment.”


Full letter

My names are Leposo  Sampson Peter I was born in 1980 in Lolgorian division of Kilgore’s district Narok County at Gloirien location in Kilae village. Married to one wife and of having two children.

Meantime in Naivasha Prison being convicted of defilement, hence serving a life sentence. I encounter the mindful learning since the commence of the year 2016.  Introduced to me by DR Inmaculator , Inma, under supervision of our full time class teacher Jimmy Love.  Thanks for the administration for accepting the programme.

As I start with indeed I was not the kind of a person I am today as I speak, not aware of myself and the surrounding, being oppressed by the adversities and with lose of hope in the life despite and in spite of life imprisonment.  Actually mindfulness programme has dramatically changed my life as now am able to view life in a positive perspective and able to tackle any of the difficult situation across me amicably.

As I mention but a few parts in the subject that had influently made me to be a well rounded person. The understanding self, the modes doing, being and our modus. In this state I can now listen to my inner state, outer landscape, hence now improve in interaction, social, able to control emotions, likes and dislikes towards others. Creating a peaceful and conducive environment. Being now aware, alert and attentive, I improve my way of living that had no meaning before to a meaningful, dynamic, purposeful, decisive and well managed now putting into action the practice of fore facet of being observant, descriptive, non-reactive, non-judgemental and acting with awareness, actualising empathy, humility and being compassioned.

Surely having studied the application of multivarious technique I’m now capable of picking the appropriate and abandon the unnecessary.  Connecting myself to a purpose driven life. Having the life skills to apply in any circumstance hence having developed resilience discarding ambivalent, am also self developed, self assertive, sanguine, inventive and intelligent. No more invaluable.

Having undergone invaluable changes, physically, psychologically and spiritually.  Abandoning unbecoming behaviour and adopting the positive am now phenomenon, yielding hence experiencing a healthy, happy life remaining more determined, focused and optimistic.

Thanks to my mentor and Dr Inma for sponsoring and the whole crew towards making me the kind of person I am now being alleviated to a teacher in the facility.  Am proud of being a mindful leader.  Well equipped to face life with ease living the “now” forgetting the past and always in a state of conscious mind.  Ready to serve others whole heart.

Thanks and may God bless you.

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