Discovering One-self and Learning Away from the Classroom: our Study Trip in Bogota

Participants and staff at the start of the week in the forecourt of Universidad del Rosario in central Bogota

Our MBA students have just returned from Bogota, the capital city of Colombia – home to 8 million people, and the largest city in South America. This week-long study trip is integrated in our MBA every year and consists in the delivery of two modules, Sustainability in Context in our full time (i.e. 12 months) programme, and Managing around the World: Roundtables for Practicing Managers for our Exec MBA programme (over 2 years, part time).

A key benefit of delivering those two modules in a different location every year is to provide our students and practising managers with opportunities to “leave the office behind them”, engage with local and like minded practising managers, identify and address key personal challenges, as well as social, economic and environmental challenges that affect the conduct of business in environments away from home. Immersing ourselves into a different environment and culture facilitates reflection and introspection. Last year those two residential modules were delivered in South Africa with our partner Stellenbosch University. This year, we were partnering with a leading Colombian university, Universidad del Rosario in Bogota.

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Take the Fear out of Accounting & Finance with our pre-sessional MBA course

We know how daunting and full of jargon disciplines such as Accounting, Finance and Economics can be for an MBA student, even for seasoned professionals.  For that reason, and following feedback from our students this year on the MBA we are introducing a pre-sessional, intensive MBA crash course opened exclusively to our 2014/15 MBA students, aimed at equipping them with the basic knowledge and skills that will help them to make the most of quantitative modules in Term 1.

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Meet our Alumni: Karen at Afren Plc

Karen came to the UK from Nigeria to study the MBA programme at Exeter, benefiting from the £34,000 scholarship from Afren Plc, an independent oil and natural gas

Alongside its core business operations, Afren Plc is committed to supporting the local host communities in Nigeria’s oil rich Niger Delta who may be impacted by its activities, and have in place a number of social investment initiatives that champion this support. Karen had experienced first-hand how the region was impoverished in spite of the oil wealth during her one year compulsory National Service Scheme, and so carrying out her MBA Consultancy Project to evaluate the initiatives Afren Plc had put in place to reduce the burden of poverty by empowering communities resonated with her.exploration and production corporation founded in 2004, operating primarily from Nigeria. The Afren scholarship is one of the many corporate-funded scholarships we offer every year on the One Planet MBA at Exeter.

Linked to the scholarship is an opportunity for a consultancy project scheduled in the summer months at thesponsoring organisation. Linking the scholarship to the consultancy project enables our corporate partners to experience first hand the quality of the students on the MBA, and in some cases recruit them after their studies. That’s what happened to Karen who joined Afren on completion of her MBA project. Continue reading

Visit to India

Professor Abhay Abhyankar a specialist in Finance Economics and Helen Freeman Head of Marketing and Recruitment engaged with applicants from India on a recent trip to Mumbai, Bangalore and Cochin in India in November 2013 which included myriad activities to promote our MBA and strengthen research partnership links.

Exeter’s Business School partners with the prestigious Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore on mutual areas of research, and given Abhay’s expertise in Finance, we were able to generate a great deal of interest in our on-going research projects and Abhay’s own project related to empirical asset pricing. Continue reading