Have you browsed through Open Research Exeter (ORE) recently? Why not have a look?
The university’s online repository showcases all types of Exeter’s research, including research papers, research data and theses. Research in ORE can be viewed and downloaded freely by researchers and students all over the world.
If you need a full-text copy of a research paper or PhD thesis by a UoE researcher, this is the place to look!
Here are some examples of ORE content:
- Elena Isayev and Catrin Webster, 1000 Colours Blue – A Sample of Blues Images. This is a small sample of the 1049 ‘1000 Colours Blue’ images that were painted on canvas by school pupils during workshops conducted as part of the AHRC-funded ‘Future Memory in Place‘ project. Each pupil attempted to replicate a shade of blue from the Swansea waterfront.
For more information about how to put your own research outputs into ORE see our Open Access pages.