Encyclopaedia Britannica

Today, the Encyclopaedia Britannica has announced that after 244 years, it will discontinue the 32-volume printed edition once its current inventory is gone.  But do not worry, they promise that ” the encyclopedia will live on – in bigger, more numerous, and more vibrant digital forms”.eb

Find out more about the change from the Britannica Blog or try out Britannica Online, which is entirely free for a full week beginning today.

iPad Presentation

The winner of our LibQual survey competition was today presented with her prize.

Jessica Gardner gave Meimei Wang a new iPad 2 in a brief ceremony in the Main Library today.

Well done Meimei !

Pictured left :  Stephen Mossop [Head of Customer Services], Meimei Wang [INTO student] and Jessica Gardner [Head of Library and Research Support]

Support the Fair VAT Campaign

lns epetition logoUniversities and colleges are obliged to pay VAT at the full standard rate, which is currently 20%, on their subscriptions to electronic academic journals, books, newspapers and magazines.

We believe that they should be treated in the same way for VAT as printed publications. Printed versions of the same resources are zero-rated in the UK; in the rest of Europe VAT is applied at the reduced rate, currently 5%.

This extra VAT burden means that libraries have less to spend on electronic publications making it very difficult for us to move towards e-provision.

Electronic publications are greener, save valuable storage space and offer increased availability for the majority of users.

Sign the e-petition to urge our Government to do one of two things;

  1. Introduce zero-rated VAT on electronic academic publications.
  2. Or, if it is not feasible to add electronic publications to the list of zero-rated goods then to follow other European countries and apply VAT at the reduced rate now and consider reducing this to 0% as soon as possible.

We need 100,000 signatures for the topic to be debated in the House of Commons. Anyone can sign:

• You will need to provide your name, address and email
• You can choose to receive email updates from the government about the e-petition

Sign here http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/28226

Calling All Researchers !

Research Images Comp

Images of Research is an exciting new competition that is open to all postgraduate researchers (MPhil, PhD and professional doctorates).

It aims to be an innovative way to highlight the wide range of research that is taking place at the University of Exeter.

It is an opportunity to look at postgraduate research in a new and exciting way.

There are two main aims of the event:

Welcome to the Library News Blog

Welcome one and all to our Library News Blog.  We have decided to take the plunge into the world of blogging to keep our users informed of current and upcoming events, changes and information about the Library here at the University of Exeter.

Why Now?

Because we feel the library space and its services are changing fast at the moment with the upcoming launch of the Forum.  Whilst we can communicate via Twitter, digital screens and when you come and talk to us we feel sometimes you may need more information than 140 characters and here we can leave this information for you to search when you need to.

We actually do want to hear from you

Honestly we welcome comments and feedback either via this blog, our Twitter account, our Comments Cards or face to face.  Good and bad its great to know – and you could help to contribute to our continual growth and improvement.