First of, my thoughts go to all my participants and there schools, students and communities. I have witnessed how difficult and challenging teachers have found this current situation.
Currently, I have suspended all face-to-face interviews during this difficult time. Data collection with participants will commence once they are able to and will consist of telephone interviews as a default. This is still waiting university ethical approval (application found in the ‘Participant Document’ tab). An email will be sent out once this has been approved.
It is a challenging time for all, which also includes PhD’s who are in their final year, such as myself. Like many, we have been told to work from home and like many, I am struggling with that due to other commitments. As I am funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (Part of UKRI) I am lucky enough to have a stipend. However, this stipend is time limited for the duration of my PhD (3 years).
Today, it was announced that final year PhD’s who are UKRI funded will eligible for a 6 month extension with a full stipend. This means that I will be allocated more time to complete this research and participants involved in this project don’t have to rush to squeeze me in for data collection.
Please keep safe and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.