2014 Global Development Finance Conference – DUBAI

The Review of Development Finance Journal in partnership with the Chartered Institute of Development Finance and the Global Development Finance Research and Training Networks is organising the 2014 Global Development Finance Conference in Dubai in 3-4 September 2014. The conference will be bringing together academics, researchers from institutions working in the area of development and other researchers from commercial banks, central banks and other international development institutions.

June 30, 2014 – Submission of Abstracts
July 31, 2014 – Submission of full paper
August 31, 2014 – Registration and Payment of Conference Fee

Conference website

Welcome new members

We would like to welcome the following new members of the InsTED network.

Prof Scott L. Baier (Clemson University)   His research centers on International Trade, Economic Growth and Development, and Applied Econometrics.

Prof Kristy Buzard (Syracuse University)  Her current research focuses on the formation and maintenance of trade agreements, and on international trade theory and contract theory more generally.

Prof Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso (University of Goettingen)   Her research interests include International Trade, Environmental Economics, Development Economics, and Applied Econometrics.

Lorenzo Rotunno  (University of Oxford) His primary research interests are in International Trade and Political Economy.


Why the West Rules — for Now

Sometime around 1750, English entrepreneurs unleashed the astounding energies of steam and coal, and the world was forever changed. The emergence of factories, railroads, and gunboats propelled the West’s rise to power in the nineteenth century, and the development of computers and nuclear weapons in the twentieth century secured its global supremacy. Now, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, many worry that the emerging economic power of China and India spells the end of the West as a superpower. In order to understand this possibility, we need to look back in time. Why has the West dominated the globe for the past two hundred years, and will its power last?… [Publisher’s book website]

Author’s book website

Book review in The Economist, October 2010

Book review by George Walden in The Guardian, January 2011

Book review by Dr Ricardo Duchesne in Reviews in History (review no.1091)

Book review by Orville Schell in The New York Times, December 2010

Book review by Jonathan Healey

Exodus: Immigration and Mulitculturalism in the 21st Century

Mass international migration is a response to extreme global inequality, and immigration has a profound impact on the way we live. Yet our views – and those of our politicians – remain caught between two extremes: popular hostility to migrants, tinged by xenophobia and racism; and the view of business and liberal elites that ‘open doors’ are both economically and ethically imperative. With migration set to accelerate, few issues are so urgently in need of dispassionate analysis – and few are more incendiary.Here, world-renowned economist Paul Collier seeks to defuse this explosive subject. Exodus looks at how people from the world’s poorest societies struggle to migrate to the rich West: the effects on those left behind and on the host societies, and explores the impulses and thinking that inform Western immigration policy. Migration, he concludes, is a fact, and we urgently need to think clearly about its possibilities and challenges: it is not a question of whether migration is good or bad, but how much is best?Paul Collier is Professor of Economics and Director of the Centre for the Study of African Economies at Oxford University and a former director of Development Research at the World Bank. He is the author of, among others, the award-winning The Bottom Billion and The Plundered Planet.  [Publisher’s book website]

Book review by Rupert Edis in The Telegraph, November 2013

Book review by Ian Birrell in The Guardian, November 2013

Book review by Kenan Malik in The Independent, October 2013

Book review by Geoffrey Cameron in Migration Studies, 1 (3): 375-377, November 2013

Barcelona GSE Summer Forum – Call for Papers

The Barcelona GSE Summer Forum workshops will take place in Barcelona on June 9-27, 2014.

The Barcelona GSE Summer Forum is a series of independent workshops and policy events that cover the main fields of Economics. The objective of the Summer Forum is to bring top research leaders and young promising economists from around the globe to Barcelona to debate the present and future of the frontier of knowledge in Economics.

The 2014 Barcelona GSE Summer Forum will contain 22 workshops covering a wide range of topics:

Week 1 (June 9-13)

Bounded Rationality in Choice (June 9-10)
Organizers: Larbi Alaoui, Jose Apesteguía and Miguel-Angel Ballester.
Firms in the Global Economy (June 9-10)
Organizers: Julian di Giovanni, Christian Fons-Rosen and Carolina Villegas-Sánchez.
International Capital Flows (June 9-10)
Organizers: Fernando Broner, Alberto Martin, Andrés Neumeyer and Guido Sandleris.
Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics (June 9-10)
Organizers: John Duffy, Frank Heinemann, Rosemarie Nagel and Shyam Sunder.
Financial Intermediation, Risk and Liquidity (June 10-11)
Organizers: Xavier Freixas and José-Luis Peydró,
Advances in Micro Development Economics (June 11-12)
Organizers: Giacomo De Giorgi, Gianmarco León, Stephan Litschig, Rohini Pande and Alessandro Tarozzi.
Trade, Growth and Income Distribution (June 11-12)
Organizers: Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Gino Gancia and Giacomo Ponzetto.
Applied Industrial Organization (June 12-13)
Organizers: Susanna Esteban, Rosa Ferrer, Christian Michel, Helena Perrone and Carlos J. Serrano.
Asset Prices and the Business Cycle (June 12-13)
Organizers: Andrea Caggese, Alberto Martín, Ander Pérez Orive and Jaume Ventura.
Sorting: Theory and Estimation (June 12-13)
Organizers: Jan Eeckhout and Phillip Kircher.

Week 2 (June 16-20)

The Economic Analysis of Electoral Politics (June 16)
Organizers: Gianmarco León, Maria Petrova and Giacomo Ponzetto.
Information and Market Frictions (June 16-17)
Organizers: Christian Hellwig, Alessandro Pavan and Xavier Vives.
Migration (June 16-17)
Organizers: Lídia Farré, Jesús Fernández-Huertas, Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell, Joan Llull and Francesc Ortega.
Towards Sustained Economic Growth: Geography, Demography and Institutions (June 16-17)
Organizers: Omar Licandro, Luigi Pascali and Yanos Zylberberg.
Children’s Health, Well-being, and Human Capital (June 17-18)
Organizers: Gabrielle Fack and Libertad González.
Economics of Science and Innovation (June 17-18)
Organizers: Albert Banal-Estañol, Inés Macho-Stadler and David Pérez-Castrillo.
Political Institutions (June 17-18)
Organizers: Carles Boix, Ruben Enikolopov, Patricia Funk and Stephan Litschig.
Understanding Civil Conflict (June 18-19)
Organizers: Laia Balcells, Joan-Maria Esteban, Laura Mayoral, Hannes Mueller and Debraj Ray.
Macro and Micro Perspectives on Taxation (June 19-20)
Organizers: Nezih Guner and Gustavo Ventura.
Learning in Macroeconomics and Finance (June 19-20)
Organizers: George Evans, Roger Guesnerie, Juan F. Jimeno, Albert Marcet, Ramon Marimon and Ho-Mou Wu.
Time Series Analysis in Macro and Finance (June 19-20)
Organizers: Majid Al-Sadoon, Christian Brownlees and Barbara Rossi.

Week 3 (June 23-27)

Statistics, Jump Processes and Malliavin Calculus: Recent Applications (June 25-27)
Organizers: Eulàlia Nualart

You can find more about each workshop (topics, dates, the call for papers etc.) at the Summer Forum’s Webpage.

To submit a paper, please use this Form The deadline for submissions is February 16 or February 26, 2014, depending on the workshop.


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