Launching the 2015/16 One Planet MBA Programme

Five years ago our ground breaking One Planet MBA programme at the University of Exeter Business School redefined the purpose of an MBA and the purpose of business education. Embedding the values of responsible management and the principles of Change. For Goodtransformative leadership, our One Planet MBA is specially designed for what we call, “professionals in transition” – individuals like yourself who have worked for a number of years and wish to take stock, reflect on their careers, find ways of leveraging their strengths and discover new opportunities while upgrading their skills and knowledge.

More than ever in 2015 does the One Planet MBA stand for personal transformations. And more than ever will we help you change. For good.

Change. For Good

Business is being challenged by global economic, social and environmental disruptors as never before. They are impacting, not only on business practices and strategies, but also on the role of business in our society. They are re-defining the role of the professional manager, and the expectations placed onto aspiring business leaders. Continue reading

Choosing Elective Modules: A Student Perspective

By Catherine Crane
Full-time MBA student 2014/5

Please take a moment to picture this…you are near to the end of the first term of the One Planet MBA at Exeter Business School. The Christmas break is just in sight and yet, before you celebrate, you will need to make some important decisions regarding your elective subjects for the second term.

This was my first major quandary on the One Planet MBA; I have an insatiable appetite to acquire new knowledge and a desire to learn as much as possible. Here I was at a faculty presentation, all staff and students together to watch the academic staff pitching their subjects in order to compete for students. It reminded me of a “dance off”, a lot of humour was brought in to illustrate the necessity of choosing their elective.

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Why Sustainability Matters in your MBA Choice


Juan David Hernández
One Planet MBA student 2014/5

Studying abroad is one of those choices that you will never regret. In my case, I took the decision to start an MBA not only to boost my career to the next level but also because I believe that are many other issues that need our attention. The rapidly changing world and the dynamic business environment require multidisciplinary approaches, multicultural skills, and out-of-the-box thinking in order to face 21st century global challenges. Huge problems such as global poverty, increasing world population, food security, climate change, and overexploitation of natural resources are some of the challenges that today’s and tomorrow’s leaders will need to face; not only to rethink human living and behaviours within the planetary boundaries, but also to ensure good living standards for present and future generations. Continue reading

Breaking the Glass Ceiling

By Ernesto Altahona
One Planet MBA Student 2014/5


My main motivation for undertaking an MBA was to expand my horizons. I wanted to break the glass ceiling that I had on top of me, and I decided the best way was at Exeter with the One Planet MBA. My decision proved to be right. I can´t demonstrate it now with how much my salary has incremented, or any change of my job because I am still studying. What I can offer is the certainty that something changed inside me, in the best possible way.

I could feel the exact moment the click happened, the Friday that we finished the Entrepreneurship module. And since that moment I have been asking myself this question; what happened? Continue reading

Interested in a Career Change? A Student’s Perspective of The One Planet MBA at Exeter

photo cat

By Catherine Crane
One Planet MBA Student 2014/5

So you want to be an MBA student? Interested in developing your career? Perhaps you are toying with the idea of a complete career change? Maybe you are dissatisfied with the level of knowledge you currently possess and want the chance to learn and develop new skills? Or possibly the title “One Planet MBA” – a Masters in Business Administration and Sustainability – is unique enough to have caught your attention? Continue reading

Celebrating 25 Years of the Exeter MBA

Our MBA is now 25 years old, and we thought we would celebrate such a milestone with a 25th anniversary event at our partner EY’s London headquarters in the City of London. The event starts at 6pm on 10th June and will involve our students, our alumni (some of them going back 25 years!) and our corporate partners who’ve supported us in recent years.

Our MBA is at the forefront of thinking, and the challenges the corporate world faces today are very different from those of 25 years ago. Continue reading

The Expert View: our MBA showcased by The Guardian

The Guardian newspaper, one of the UK’s oldest and leading daily newspaper recently ran a roundtable discussion on the future of business education.

As part of its Sustainable Business Network, The Guardian asked Deans of leading business schools why most business schools had been slow to adapt their business and executive education curriculum in light of the tremendous challenges businesses face todayContinue reading

Exeter ranked among the UK’s best universities

A brief post today when the Complete University Guide has ranked the University of Exeter as one of the best Universities in the UK in its 2015 edition. The University ranks particularly highly in terms of entry standards, student satisfaction and graduate prospects.

The Guide also publishes subject-related league tables, Exeter also ranks in the top 10 for business and management. Our One Planet MBA has a presence in the guide (although there is an error: our MBA is a 12-months programme, not a two years one!)

My One Planet MBA, by Matthew Dearlove

I am Matthew Dearlove, a full time MBA student at Exeter since September 2013 and here are some of my experiences and feelings about my time on the course so far.

Matthew (far right) and members of the organising team, One Planet Sustainability Challenge 2014

The course kicked off with the six core modules over the first term which concluded with a very busy January that was both rewarding and satisfying. The diverse backgrounds and varying experiences of my cohort have made the challenging learning process very interesting and enjoyable. After completing those core modules we began to integrate with the Executive MBA students on our remaining six modules, which again provided a fresh perspective and outlook on business, particularly within the context of sustainability. Continue reading

Discovering One-self and Learning Away from the Classroom: our Study Trip in Bogota

Participants and staff at the start of the week in the forecourt of Universidad del Rosario in central Bogota

Our MBA students have just returned from Bogota, the capital city of Colombia – home to 8 million people, and the largest city in South America. This week-long study trip is integrated in our MBA every year and consists in the delivery of two modules, Sustainability in Context in our full time (i.e. 12 months) programme, and Managing around the World: Roundtables for Practicing Managers for our Exec MBA programme (over 2 years, part time).

A key benefit of delivering those two modules in a different location every year is to provide our students and practising managers with opportunities to “leave the office behind them”, engage with local and like minded practising managers, identify and address key personal challenges, as well as social, economic and environmental challenges that affect the conduct of business in environments away from home. Immersing ourselves into a different environment and culture facilitates reflection and introspection. Last year those two residential modules were delivered in South Africa with our partner Stellenbosch University. This year, we were partnering with a leading Colombian university, Universidad del Rosario in Bogota.

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