Gaining hands-on experience through our in-company MBA Consulting Projects

We are fast approaching the end of the Term, and with it the end of the MBA programme for our full time students this year. After 9 intensive months spent acquiring core business knowledge and skills in Term 1, and developing critical employability skills through our practical, in-company assignments in Term 2, our students are now in the process of formalising their consulting projects with our unique network of corporate partners.

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Take the Fear out of Accounting & Finance with our pre-sessional MBA course

We know how daunting and full of jargon disciplines such as Accounting, Finance and Economics can be for an MBA student, even for seasoned professionals.  For that reason, and following feedback from our students this year on the MBA we are introducing a pre-sessional, intensive MBA crash course opened exclusively to our 2014/15 MBA students, aimed at equipping them with the basic knowledge and skills that will help them to make the most of quantitative modules in Term 1.

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Meet our Alumni: Karen at Afren Plc

Karen came to the UK from Nigeria to study the MBA programme at Exeter, benefiting from the £34,000 scholarship from Afren Plc, an independent oil and natural gas

Alongside its core business operations, Afren Plc is committed to supporting the local host communities in Nigeria’s oil rich Niger Delta who may be impacted by its activities, and have in place a number of social investment initiatives that champion this support. Karen had experienced first-hand how the region was impoverished in spite of the oil wealth during her one year compulsory National Service Scheme, and so carrying out her MBA Consultancy Project to evaluate the initiatives Afren Plc had put in place to reduce the burden of poverty by empowering communities resonated with her.exploration and production corporation founded in 2004, operating primarily from Nigeria. The Afren scholarship is one of the many corporate-funded scholarships we offer every year on the One Planet MBA at Exeter.

Linked to the scholarship is an opportunity for a consultancy project scheduled in the summer months at thesponsoring organisation. Linking the scholarship to the consultancy project enables our corporate partners to experience first hand the quality of the students on the MBA, and in some cases recruit them after their studies. That’s what happened to Karen who joined Afren on completion of her MBA project. Continue reading

Our Unique MBA Suite: a Guided Tour

When I took over the MBA at Exeter last December, one thing that struck me is how well supported MBA students are, and how critical our unique MBA Suite is in promoting the collaborative mindset that business leaders need to develop to run successful businesses.

Building One, the School’s flagship building, was designed in 2008 with our MBA in mind. Set over three floors, the building is home to our One Planet MBA Suite which occupies the first floor of the building. Here’s a guided tour of our unique facilities…

The School’s flagship building, Building One

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Introducing the 2014 Sustainability Challenge

Following the success of last year’s first ever sustainability challenge that saw 15 MBA teams from Europe, Mexico and Australia come to Exeter, develop and pitch innovative solutions for solving some of the world’s most pressing problems, our 2014 MBA students are now busy organising the second edition.

Last year’s challenge focused on water scarcity – arguably, a major issue that is already impacting on the lives of millions of people around the world. Our corporate partners are this year keen to focus their efforts on recycling and waste management. If you’re wondering why recycling is this year’s theme, it’s probably because you haven’t watched TRASHED, the award winning documentary feature film by Jeremy Irons… so go and watch it! Continue reading

Generating business insights at Google: Fuji, One Planet MBA 2014 Graduate

Fuji has just graduated from our One Planet MBA with a Distinction, prior to which she had studied for a Bachelor of Science in International Business from Germany. She is half-Colombian and half-Japanese and has spent most of her life in Brazil. However, she left the country at the age of 18 to work and study in Germany, Singapore, then last year joined our MBA at Exeter.

After graduating from us last January, Fuji will join Google’s headquarters in Germany as an Industry Analyst. Continue reading

Master of Business ACTION!

Who needs an MBA to become an “administrator”?

While the letter “A” has historically stood for “administration”, at Exeter we’ve redefined the meaning of the MBA, where “A” stands for Action. It is that ability to implement and manage change that makes our MBA students stand out. At Exeter, our One Planet MBA embeds action in all aspects of the programme. By the end of the programme, our MBA graduates go and contribute to running successful, profitable ventures while making an impact in the world we live in. Continue reading

Social Entrepreneurship in Africa

Our One Planet MBA has an extensive guest speakers programme aimed at exposing our students to real life perspectives from those who make business happen. Earlier this year, Miriam Turner from Interface, the company that revolutionised the carpet tiles industry contributed to the discussion around the changing role of business in society while Francis Sullivan of HSBC  discussed the relevance of CSR and whether it involves corporate greenwash. Continue reading

Visit to India

Professor Abhay Abhyankar a specialist in Finance Economics and Helen Freeman Head of Marketing and Recruitment engaged with applicants from India on a recent trip to Mumbai, Bangalore and Cochin in India in November 2013 which included myriad activities to promote our MBA and strengthen research partnership links.

Exeter’s Business School partners with the prestigious Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore on mutual areas of research, and given Abhay’s expertise in Finance, we were able to generate a great deal of interest in our on-going research projects and Abhay’s own project related to empirical asset pricing. Continue reading

Our award winning One Planet MBA

Welcome to our brand new blog..

I am Nicolas Forsans, programme director of our award-winning One Planet MBA at the University of Exeter Business School, a fast growing, internationally recognised and AMBA and EQUIS accredited business school located in the lovely city of Exeter in the South West of England. Through this blog we aim to give you a taste of what it is like to be an MBA student with us. Every week, myself and my MBA colleagues, our MBA students, alumni and corporate partners involved in the delivery of the programme will blog about their experiences. We hope you find this blog enjoyable. Continue reading