Routledge Social Science: Free to view Monographs in February

Routledge catalogue

During February Routledge Research are making 300 titles from across the Social Sciences available to view online in their entirety for completely free.

Content includes:

Asian and Middle East Studies

  1. Asian History
  2. Central Asian, Russian & Eastern European Studies
  3. Chinese Studies
  4. Middle East Studies
  5. South Asian Studies


  1. Marketing
  2. Organizational Studies
  3. Public and Consumer Studies
  4. Management
  5. Corporate Studies


  1. Economic Theory & Philosophy
  2. Environmental Economics
  3. History of Economic Thought
  4. Industrial Economics
  5. International Economics


  1. Human Rights Law
  2. International Law
  3. Legal Theory
  4. Socio-Legal Studies
  5. Criminal Law and Criminology
  6. European Law

Military and Strategic Studies

  1. Critical Security
  2. International Security
  3. Security Studies
  4. Terrorism and Political Violence
  5. War and Conflict Studies


  1. Comparative Politics
  2. European Politics
  3. International Political Economy
  4. Political Philosophy
  5. Politics & International Relations


Use  the Routledge catalogue to find out more about the titles available to you.

Using this catalogue you can:

  • View all titles in their entirety for Free by clicking the blue View Inside this Book button located on every book detail page.
  • Bring up the full details for every book, including blurbs, table of contents, author bios and reviews
  • Save books to your booklist and email to friends or colleagues or save as a spreadsheet for your reference
Remember all titles are free to view just for the month of February so make the most of them.


Broaden your Library Horizons with SCONUL

Have you heard of the SCONUL access scheme?

The Society of College, National and University Libraries or SCONUL  exists to promote awareness of academic libraries and our role in supporting research and teaching. As part of this mandate they help foster collaboration and encourage reciprocal borrowing rights between member libraries.

Have you ever wished you could access  – even perhaps borrow books from – other higher education libraries across the UK and Ireland?  The SCONUL scheme may be the answer you need….

Calling all University Staff and Postgraduates!

Members of staff or postgraduate students at the University of Exeter are entitled to apply for free SCONUL access to the libraries of any other institutions who, like us, are also part of the scheme. This can get you through the door of institutions that are not open to public and in many cases SCONUL visitors are also allowed to enrol and borrow a limited number of books.

How do I join?

  • You need to apply online via the SCONUL access webpage
  • Select your user category (e.g. Part Time Postgraduate) from the drop down list, then select ‘University of Exeter’ as your home institution.
  • The site will then display which Universities you are eligible to access. Click on ‘see results as a list’ to scroll through the drop down list, or click on the map tab and enter a postcode to search for accessible institutions in a particular area.
  • When you have found the details of an institution you want to visit click on ‘Apply for Access’ then fill in and submit the online form.
  • You will then receive two emails: the first is a “Library Access Application Notification” email confirming that your application is being processed. The second email should approve your request and welcome you to the SCONUL scheme.
  • Print out the second email and take this, along with your Exeter UniCard to each institution you have been approved to visit and staff there will enroll you.
  • The small print: you must abide by the regulations of any library you join under SCONUL Access. Please be aware they may not allow you to borrow from all of their collections (e.g. loan of periodicals or short loan items may not be possible). Additionally during the busiest periods – such as summer exam time – some institutions may restrict access to SCONUL users so it is worth checking with in advance them before travelling.

What about Undergraduates?

If you are a part-time undergraduate or an officially registered distance learning student: then you will be entitled to borrowing access from many participating institutions, please follow the instructions above to submit your application and remember to select the appropriate category (e.g. part-time undergraduate) from the list.

If you are a full-time undergraduate: unfortunately you will not be able to borrow under the scheme but you are still entitled to apply for a Reference Only SCONUL card. This can give you visiting access to many Libraries which would not otherwise be open to you and so is still worth doing. Please apply for a reference card online, by using the same procedure outlined above but selecting “full time undergraduate” from the category list.

We hope many of you will want to take advantage of the SCONUL Access scheme and enjoy the  wider research opportunities it presents.

And don’t forget, if you are a taught student  planning to travel to visit another library you may be able to apply for a Library-funded travel bursary – more info here!

Where will your SCONUL travels take you? 


Each year we scrutinise the feedback from the NSS survey and use that information to direct our annual Library Resourcing Campaign. We want to make sure that we are providing even more of the resources that you need. During 2013/14 we are directing £298k to boost access to core materials: this is in addition to the millions spent on library resources across the Colleges.

Packages provided include SAGE Research Methods Online, Literature Online and Ethnography Video Online. This funding has also provided access to over 9000 e-books this year.

We are committed to student-led spending, so do talk to your Library Champions to request books, as well as using the general IWOOT request scheme. For up to date information on new resources and current highlights, see:

Global Commodities

Did you know that the University Library has access to Global Commodities?

Global Commodities brings together manuscript, printed and visual primary source materials for the study of global commodities in world history. The commodities featured in this resource have been transported, exchanged and consumed around the world for hundreds of years. They helped transform societies, global trading operations, habits of consumption and social practices. The commodities featured include chocolate, coffee, spices, sugar and timber.

Global Commodities is accessible via our Electronic Library and the library catalogue.

Don’t forget that if you need help using this resource or any other library resources then your Subject Librarian will be happy to help. Find out more on our Subject Guides page.

Library IWOOT Scheme

A big thank you to everyone who has put in a suggestion to the Library ‘I want one of these’ scheme.  The following titles, suggested by you, are just a few of those that have been ordered this month!  If you are a student on a taught course and the library does not currently have a title you need for your course then please go to our Online form at IWOOT

Library and Research Skills module in ELE

Library and Research Skills ELE module

The Library and Research Skills module in ELE has lots of information to help you to find out about effective information searching and research skills, and discover more about the different kinds of library resources available to you.

The suite of video tutorials provides quick and easy to follow demonstrations of library and research techniques, e.g. finding a book, an electronic book or a journal article on the library catalogue; booking an Express Collections item; accessing and searching particular research databases.

There are also short films introducing you to different library services, spaces and facilities. Take a tour of the Forum Library and other study spaces at the University. Learn how to use the issue machines. Or meet your Subject Librarian team on film.

Simply pick the topic you’re interested in from the picture menu to learn more about referencing, information skills, journals, research databases, using the Internet and much more.

Each College also has its own Library and Research Skills ELE module tailored to your subject needs; navigate to the appropriate one via the ‘Library’ menu.

There are various ways to access the Library and Research Skills module:

Who’s your Library Champion?

Look out for your Library Champion’s poster


We’re now in our 3rd year of the Library Champions scheme and we have recruited a total of 46 Champions across all our campuses. Each Champion represents the taught students within their subject area and will feedback your views on the Library services to us. They also have a budget to buy books, so if there is anything you need for your courses, you can contact them to order it. Look out for the posters in your departments – these should have contact details on for your own Champion. If you have any questions about the scheme or want to know more, please see:

Last year our Champions bought a total of 1023 items for library stock, selected by you: these included multiple extra copies of in-demand books, e-books of heavily used materials, DVDs to support film courses and brand new titles to support your courses. Do get in touch with them and help them spend up this year!

Extra Library study spaces during revision time

We hope you’ve had an enjoyable Christmas! Now New Year is looming and unfortunately so too are the January exams. Here in the Library we recognise that the run up to exams is time when Library study spaces are in particularly high demand. This is why during revision periods we increase the number of study seats available in the Forum Library by making the seminar rooms on Level 0 and level +1 part of the Library.

A View of Forum Level +1. The Forum Seminar Rooms will be dedicated for silent study from  2nd January. Enter them through the Library.

What this means for you:

More quiet study spaces in the Forum Library with capacity increasing to over 1000!

From noon on Thursday 2nd January access routes to the Forum Seminar rooms will change. You’ll need to enter and exit these rooms through the Forum Library using the doors by the computer clusters which will then be open. There will be no access to these rooms from the Forum end by the Alumni Auditorium.

The seminar rooms will remain a part of the Library until 12 noon on Sunday 12th January.

Don’t forget there are plenty of other revision spaces available for you during this busy period. Why not take a look at the full list here?

Study smart by respecting fellow revisers

During times of high pressure study it’s more important than ever that you respect fellow Library users and help reduce stress for those working around you by following Library behaviour guidelines. If you are in a silent space please respect the rules and if you need to talk move to a designated group work room or to one of our breakout spaces.

Also, if you are taking break of up to 60 minutes don’t forget to fill in one of our “Taking a Break” cards, available from holders around the Forum Library. If you will be gone longer than 1 hour please clear the desk to allow others to use the space. Library staff will be roving throughout our spaces and are here to help, so if you are being disturbed by noise, need help finding a seat, or if there’s anything else we can do to help just ask!


Forum Locker Keys

Located by Costa and by the Guild rooms, The Forum lockers offer a range of storage and loan options: borrow a locker key from the Library’s  Express Collections area to use a locker either to store your bag while you are on campus, to safely store and charge your laptop or to borrow a netbook for use on campus – all for up to 24 hours at a time.

Issue your key in Express Collections first then access the locker

We’re pleased that our locker key service has proved so popular over the past 12 months, but whether you’re a locker key regular or a brand new user it’s worth taking a few minutes to remind yourself of how to use this facility and make sure you’re doing so correctly.

You can borrow Forum Locker Keys from our Express Collections area, please remember:

  • You may only borrow 1 key at a time
  • The Locker key must be correctly issued to your library record before using locker
  • The key is issued for 24 hours only and we expect the locker to be used on a daily basis only, and then the key returned

To use the Forum Netbook Locker Keys

  1. Choose a green key, for a locker with a netbook inside
  2. Issue the key to your library record using our self-service machine and get a receipt. The item will be due for return in 24 hours time, e.g if issued at 11.00 on a Tuesday it will need to be returned before 11.00 on Wednesday.
  3. Find the correct locker number in the Forum and unlock, the netbook and charger will be inside
  4. Use the netbook for working (on campus only: remember the device will not work if taken off site)
  5. Return the netbook to the locker, plug charger into power supply and lock it inside
  6. Return the key to Express Collections, using the self-service machine and get a receipt

To use the storage locker (all have power supply), decide if what size locker you need

  • Choose a red key, for a medium/large storage locker big enough to store a backpack (or rucksack)
  • Choose a purple key, for a small storage locker big enough to store a laptop and notebook

and then you need to:

  1. Issue the key to your library record using our self-service machine and get a receipt The item will be due for return in 24 hours time, e.g if issued at 11.00 on a Tuesday it will need to be returned before 11.00 on Wednesday.
  2. Find the correct locker number in the Forum
  3. Use the locker, these all have power if you want to charge phone or other device
  4. Empty the locker when finished and lock it
  5. Return the key to Express Collections, using the self-service machine and get a receipt
Further information can be found on our webpages.

Don’t forget netbooks are also available from St Luke’s Library, please ask at the desk there if you wish to borrow one.

If you have any questions or require further support in relation to borrowing locker keys please speak to Library staff. If you would like to make a suggestion or offer further feedback on the locker key facilities please do .

Study space provision over the holiday period

Many of you may be leaving Exeter for the Christmas vacation; if you are then we hope you have fantastic festive season and a relaxing break! But here in the Library we also understand that some deadlines loom large in January and so we’re here to support those of you who are planning to stay and study during the festive period.

Facilities in the Forum Library are available 24/7 via swipe access throughout the whole vacation

The good news is that the Forum Library is open 24/7 for swipe card access throughout the break providing a warm, safe and bright environment for any Exeter university students or staff requiring study space or access to our resources. However during this time there will be some changes to the availability of other study areas that you may be used to using so please take note of the following information and plan your study schedules accordingly: 

Study space


Forum Library 24/7 Swipe access for registered university members available throughout the vacation. For access for external users and Library staff working hours see our website
St Luke’s Campus Library PC cluster and 24/7 room 24/7 swipe access for registered university members available throughout the vacation.
St Luke’s Campus Library Open daily except 25th& 26th of December and 1st January. See our website for full times.
Research Commons Open until 17.30 on December 24th then closed until 09.00 on 2nd January 2014.
Amory Study centre Open for study until 16.00 on 24th December then closed until 08.00 on 2nd January.
The Sanctuary Open for study until 24th December. Closed 24th December- 2nd January then in use for exams.