Pre-registration Borrowing

Are you planning to start a course at Exeter University from the new academic year (September 2013)? If so, congratulations and welcome! Whether you’re brand new to Exeter, or a returning student  – perhaps you’re a current undergraduate hoping to embark on postgraduate studies – we hope you’ll find your new course of study to be rewarding, stimulating and enjoyable.

If you’re planning to be in Exeter during the summer before your new course starts you may wish to take advantage of our Pre-Registration Borrowing scheme.

What’s Pre-Registration Borrowing?

This scheme allows students who will be beginning a course at Exeter in Autumn 2013 to register with the Library early so you can borrow books over the Summer. The maximum number of items you will be able to borrow at once will depend on the type of course you are undertaking, see here for further details. Exeter Libraries are open every day throughout the Summer, with staff on hand to help, so this could be a good way to get to know our resources or get ahead with your reading before the start of term!

Borrow books before the start of your new course with our Pre-Registration Borrowing scheme

Are there any restrictions?

Please note that this category of membership does not give you access to our to our electronic resources, although if you live locally you are welcome to look at our electronic books and journals on site using the ‘walk-in access’ PC facilities at the Forum and St Luke’s Libraries.  Please ask Library for more information about this.

Is there a charge for this?

No! Pre-registration Library membership is free to all eligible future students.

Sounds useful, how do I register?

Call in to the Forum Library or St Luke’s Library and collect a Pre-Registration Borrowing form. Alternatively, you can print out the form in advance from  this page: please select either the Undergraduate Pre-Registration Borrowing Form or the Postgraduate one according the category of course you will be commencing. The form needs to be completed and then countersigned by the College in which you intend to study. Once this has been done bring  the form to the Library and we’ll supply a membership card that will let you borrow over the summer.

This facility is available from June 14th 2013 onwards. Please contact if you have any further questions.

Are you a finalist?

Best of luck to all of you who are currently writing dissertations and/or preparing for your final exams.

If you are coming to the end of your studies then of course you’ll have a lot to think about in the coming weeks, but  please do take note of the following dates and things you must do to ensure your Library record is clear and that there are no barriers to your graduation.

Before June 4th you will need to:

1. Check your Library Record

You can do this by logging in online or at any of our quick access terminals)

2. Return all books, DVDs or other Library resources issued on your account.

3. Pay off any outstanding fines

You can pay in person at any of our Library desks,  or with a credit or debit card either by phone (call 01392 724785) or online (go to the fines payment page and follow the instructions on the screen.)

The deadline for completing the above steps is June 4th. After this date final year undergraduates will not be able to self-issue library books but you are of course welcome to continue using Library spaces and resources for reference. If there is a particular reason you do need to extend your borrowing beyond this date please contact speak to Library staff.

Please be aware you will be charged for the replacement costs of any books that have not been returned on time so it’s important that you get all items issued to you back to us promptly, especially if you are planning on going away after your exams!

So, good luck in your finals, but don’t forget to complete the above steps as soon as you’re done. Remember, Library staff are here to help you, so if you have any problems returning your books and clearing your record do get in touch with us. You can visit any of our Library desks in person, email  or give us a ring on 01392 723867.



Extended Sunday Opening Hours for St Luke’s!

You Asked….. For St Luke’s Library to be open longer at the weekends

We Did…. From this Sunday and for the duration of the exam period  St Luke’s Library will opening on a Sunday at the new earlier time of 10.00 AM!

Students in St Luke’s Library


St Luke’s extended weekend opening hours (from 28th April on a trial basis) are:

Saturdays: 10.00 – 18.00 

Sundays: 10.00 – 18.00

And don’t forget the out of hours study room and computer cluster are available by swipe access 24/7 all year round. If you’ve not studied at St Luke’s before why not make a visit during the exam period: the Library offers, a designated Quiet study room, perfect for revision, as well as drop-in group pods and a larger group room bookable via the central student room bookings system.

For more information on St Luke’s Library and how to get there please see our webpages.

This change was made as a direct result of feedback from our users. We always do our best to act on the requests you make, so if you have a comment or suggestion for us please do let us know. Comments cards boxes can be found in all our Libraries, or why not email or speak to any member of staff directly. We’re always keen to hear your views!


Why not borrow a Forum Netbook?

Need to work on the go? Why not borrow a netbook (slimline laptop computer) via the Forum Library? If you haven’t discovered the Forum netbooks already here’s a quick guide to how to borrow one and what you can with it.

What can I access?

Netbooks can be used anywhere with a connection to the campus wifi (but they will not work off-site or via a cable connection). Log-in to the device with your university username and password and to access the following: your U: drive file space, internet, email, Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader and the Student Print service.

Did you say I can print from a netbook?

Yes!  So long as you have sufficient credit on your account you can send your documents from the netbook to either the  Xerox_Student_Monochrome (for black and white) or  the Xerox_Student_Colour (for colour printing) queue then swipe in at the relevant printer to release the documents for printing in the usual way.

So if you just need to print and the computer clusters are busy why not borrow a netbook and print from there instead? You can find more information about printing on campus on the Student Print Service webpages.

How do I borrow one?

These loan devices are available through the self-service locker keys system in the Forum Library Express Collections area on level 0 of the Forum Library, just to the left of our main reception desk.

The green keys are for the netbooks, and there are 3 easy steps to borrowing one:

 1. Pick up a green key from the hanging display on the right-hand wall.






2. Self-issue the key using the machine in Express Collections. Follow the instructions on screen or ask Library staff for help if you are not sure how to do this. You will need your University card to borrow. Your receipt will tell you the date and time the item is due for return, so always take note of this. Locker keys issue for 24 hours at a time but they can be renewed online via your library record, so long as nobody else has placed a booking on them.








3. Now take the key to the bank of lockers on the upper level of the Forum. Northside lockers (1-118) are located by the Guild Consultation Rooms. Southside lockers (119 – 236) are opposite Costa Coffee.  Unlock the correct numbered door and the netbook is ready to go! Don’t forget lock up the door again and take the key with you while you are using the netbook.


What do I do when I’ve finished?

When you’ve finished using the netbook you need to do the following:

1. First return the device to its locker. Make sure you plug it in using the socket in the back of the locker space to ensure it’s fully charged for the next user.

2. Ensure the locker is securely locked then return the key to Express Collections. Always make sure you return the key on the machine and get a check-in receipt as proof of return.

3. You can then hang up the key fob back on the correctly numbered hook.

Things to remember:

  • Further guidance on using the netbooks and troubleshooting basic problems can be found on a laminated instruction sheet contained within each locker of this type.
  • Battery life is approximately 4 hours. A warning will appear when the battery is at 20% capacity or lower, but it’s always a good idea to save your work regularly. If the device does switch off unexpectedly you will need to log back in within half an hour to recover any unsaved work from your last session.
  • Netbooks will only work on campus; they switch off automatically if they lose connection to the campus wifi, so don’t take them off site!
  • To ensure fair circulation of these popular items fines are charged if you are late returning or renewing them (£1 for the first hour then 50p per subsequent hour overdue). To manage your borrowing responsibly and avoid fines always check your receipts  and  and contact Library staff as soon as possible if toy have any problems using the online renewal system.


Longer hours, extra spaces: your Libraries during revision time

We know that the Summer exam period is one of the busiest times in the Library. Here’s a round up of what we’re doing to ensure you get the resources and the study spaces you need for your exam revision:

Level +1 Forum Library Study Room

  •  Extended late opening in the Amory Study Centre:

This popular space which provides a mix of quiet and group study is now available from 8AM – Midnight every day until 2nd June. Swipe your card to enter.

  • Forum Seminar Rooms becoming part of the Library:

From 28th April the  Seminar wings on level +1 and level 0 will become part of the Library, available 24/7 for quiet study and increasing our capacity to over 1000 study seats. Enter the seminar wings through the Library (entrance by the computer clusters) from 28th April.

  • Extra Quiet Revision Space in the Forum Library:

To prioritise quiet study the group room on Forum Library +1 has become a quiet revision space from for the duration of the exam period. Group work spaces are still available in the Neil Cross and Vale Rooms, or why not book online a group room in the Amory Study Centre or the Forum Student Services Centre?

  • Longer opening hours at St Luke’s: 

We are extending the opening hours of St Luke’s Library and for the first time the Library will be open on Sunday mornings! St Luke’s already offers a 24/7 computer cluster and study room but to further increase study space and access to our collections we will be opening the Library itself  from 10.00 on Sundays (rather than our regular time of 14.00) from  28th April on a trial basis.

Amory Study Centre – extended opening hours!

During the January exam period the Library arranged extended opening hours for the Amory Study Centre. You told us this was an extremely welcome move, so we listened and we’ve done it again…

We are pleased to announce that this popular study space will be staying open later during the Summer exam period.

From Sunday 21st April – Sunday 2nd June the Amory Study Centre will be open daily from 8am to the new later time of midnight!

Please note this space is swipe access only so please always bring your University card with you.

Quiet room in the Amory Study Centre

If you are planning to study late at night do keep safety in mind when you leave our Libraries or study spaces. Why not check out our revision tips blog post for more ideas on working smart and looking after yourself during the revision period.

Library IWOOT Scheme


A big thank you to everyone who has put in a suggestion to the Library ‘I want one of these’ scheme.  The following titles, suggested by you, are just a few of those that have been ordered this month!  If you are a student on a taught course and the library does not currently have a title you need for your course then please go to our Online form at IWOOT

Revision spaces and tips

The Summer term is nearly upon us which does, inevitably, mean revision. Good luck to all of you who are taking exams in the coming weeks. Here’s our guide to getting the most out of Library spaces and resources and – most importantly – looking after yourselves during this stressful time.

Quiet Spaces where you can study

The Main Reading Room in Research Commons is a haven for focused quiet study

We understand the importance finding a quiet space to study on campus, which is why :

  • The overall number of study spaces in the Forum Library has been permanently increased as of April 2013
  • Forum Seminar Rooms on Levels 0 and +1 will become drop in study rooms accessible through the Library from Sunday 28th April – Sunday 2nd June (inclusive)
  • Forum Library group work rooms will become quieter revision spaces for the duration of the exam period
  • Year round designated silent study rooms are available on all 3 floors of the Forum Library, as well as in Research Commons, St Luke’s Library and in the Amory Study Centre.
  • The availability of the Interview Rooms in the Student Services Centre is  extended during the exam period with  Rooms 3, 4, 5 and 7 available as drop-in study spaces from 8am – 9pm, Monday – Friday, and additional rooms (1 – 8) available on a drop-in basis 5pm – 9pm on weekdays and 10am – 9pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

Studying late? Work smart and stay safe!

Quiet Study Room in the Forum Library Learning Hub (Level -1)

If you plan on studying long into the night then you can do so safely:

  • The Forum Library is open 24/7 (swipe access after 9pm on week days and 6pm at the weekend)
  • St Luke’s Library has a swipe-accessible 24/7 study room on the 1st floor
  • Amory Study Centre (currently open until 9.30PM daily) will stay open until Midnight during exam time (Sunday 21st April – Sunday 2nd June).

But if you are staying late then do look after yourselves. Please take note of the following tips:

  • You’ll retain more information if you take regular short breaks between your revision sessions
  • Don’t forget to eat and drink: vending machines are available in all our Libraries
  • Even in a heated environment you can get cold if you are sitting still for long periods: free blankets are available from the Library reception desk, just ask if you’d like one.
  • Consider your safety if you need to leave the Library during the night: always walk home with a friend if possible, or if not call a taxi. Try to make sure one of your friends or housemates knows where you are and what time you are heading home.
  • The Library is a public space, never leave valuables unattended. Storage lockers and laptop charging lockers are available in the Forum (you can borrow keys through Express Collections); please store your belongings safely in these while you take a break.

 Study skills and managing stress

It’s normal to feel nervous when facing an exam, and a certain amount of anxiety can inspire you to a better performance, but it’s important not to let anxiety overcome you. The University Wellbeing Team offer some useful tips on their webpages for how to keep calm and manage stress during exams that may be useful.

Here in the Library we also have a number of resources available to help you prepare for your exams. Why not consult one of the following titles, just a selection from the many we have available:



The Exam Skills Handbook by Stella Cottrell

Find it in the Forum Library or St Luke’s Library at classmark 371.26 COT




Essential Study Skills: The Complete Guide to Success at University by Tom Burns and Sandra Sinfield

Find it in the Forum Library Reference Section at 029.6 BUR or loanable copies at St Luke’s Library classmark  378.170281 BUR 





The Student’s Guide to Exam Success by Eileen Tracy

Find it in the Forum Library or St Luke’s Library at Classmark: 378.17028 TRA 






Passing exams without anxiety : how to get organised, be prepared and feel confident of success by David Acres

Find it in the Forum Library Reference Section at 026.6 ACR or at St Luke’s Library Classmark  371.30281 ACR 

The Sanctuary: Availability in April/May 2013

Please note there will be some restrictions on the availability of The Sanctuary as a quiet study space during the coming months. The Sanctuary  is also sometimes used for external events as well as being a key venue where exams take place, so if you are planning to come and study in this space please take into account the following:

Students working in the Sanctuary


  • Friday 12th – Wednesday 17th April (inclusive): the Sanctuary is closed
  • Thursday 18th April: The Sanctuary reopens and is available as a quiet study space
  • Wednesday 1st May: the Sanctuary is closed for study and will be used as an examination space


If you’d been hoping to work in the Sanctuary during the exam period, don’t worry because the Library has worked hard to ensure there are lots of other, additional study spaces available for you during the revision period including the Forum Seminar Rooms which become part of the Library and accessible 24/7 from Sunday 28th April.

More information on quiet study spaces during the forthcoming exam period, as well as our revision tips, will be published here on Sunday.