Library purchase request scheme

A big thank you to everyone who has put in a suggestion to the Library ‘I want one of these’ scheme.

The following titles, suggested by you, are just a few of those that have been ordered this month!

If you want to suggest a book for the Library to purchase then please go to our Online form at IWOOT

Additional Weekend Study Space in the Forum!

Through the Library Survey you told us you needed more study space at the weekend…..

 ….We listened, and took action!

We are pleased to announce that from this weekend (Saturday November 24th)  additional study space will be available in the Forum. The seminar rooms on Forum Level 0 have previously been closed at the weekends but, in response to high demand from students, the Library has now arranged for these to be opened up to be used for study. This change has been made as a direct result of student feedback and is fully supported by Campus Services and Estate Patrol.

The seminar rooms on Forum Level 0 are accessible directly from the Forum Street, rather than through the Library and will now be usable as drop-in study spaces until 9pm each Saturday and Sunday. Please ask Library staff if you need further directions.

A view of the Library from the Forum Street

As we hope this shows, your feedback is important to Library staff and we are constantly looking for ways to improve the service we offer, so do let us know if there are other ways we can enhance your learning experience. Currently the best way to do this is by completing the Library Quality Survey, which is still running until November 30th 2012. Please click here for further details, and to start the survey. Your comments make a real difference and you could win an iPad too!

RFID Innovation Award – Winner Announced and It’s Us !

The University of Exeter are the winners of this year’s RFID in Libraries Innovation Award as chosen by the BIC/CILIP RFID in Libraries Group and Stephen Mossop, Head of Library Services, accepted the award on our behalf.

We have won it for our innovation in using RFID on our locker keys.   If you want to know more about our lockers then here is the link to more information.

If you want to know more about why we won the award here’s CILIP’s announcement.

New Year, New Champions!

Over the last few weeks, the Library staff have been busily attending training for academic reps and recruiting this year’s cohort of Library Champions. There are 23 Champion positions in Exeter and 7 in Cornwall, representing the taught programmes in all subject areas. In reality, even more people are involved as many positions are held on a job share basis.

Champions are asked to collate feedback on Library services, act as a focus group on specific issues and report back via the staff/student liaison committee in their department. As part of the Library’s ongoing resourcing campaign, Library Champions have each been allocated a budget to spend on library books for taught courses. This allows them to quickly respond to students’ requests for extra copies, or for any other texts that the students need.

Library Champions are now meeting with their Subject Librarians and will soon be promoting what they can offer amongst other students in Colleges. Look out for the Champions posters with your own Champion’s contact details and send them your feedback and book requests.

Look out for these posters in departments


The Library During Children in Need

As reported on the University’s News and Events web pages, hundreds of students and school children are busy preparing for a celebration with Pudsey as they transform The Forum at the University of Exeter into a family-friendly open party. A packed programme of free entertainment will be broadcast nationwide, raising thousands of pounds for Children in Need on Friday November 16th 2012.

It promises to be an exciting and colorful event, and you are very welcome to join in the fun – in the Library we are doing our bit to raise money by offering you the chance to donate your Library fines money to the appeal. However, if what you really want to do is simply to continue your studies in peace, Library staff will be more than happy to help you find a quiet spot.

Please note The Sanctuary will be unavailable all day on Friday 16th due to Children in Need events taking place there.

The Forum Library will remain open and accessible throughout.

We anticipate that the ‘Forum’ end of the library is likely to be affected by the boisterous nature of the event, but that the Silent Study and Group Study areas towards the rear of the Library will probably be relatively unaffected.

If you prefer to avoid the Forum and the Forum Library altogether, our Library staff will be happy to offer directions to alternative study areas –.

The Library’s ‘Pudsey-free zones’ include:

Research Commons offering a large Reading Room, multi-media seminar room and a café-style break out space, the Research Commons is housed in the Old Library building on the Streatham campus near the University Chapel.  Research Commons is open until 9pm

St Lukes Campus Library: offering over 180 study spaces; a 24/7 Study Room and the 24/7 Haighton PC Cluster, the Library is housed in the Haighton Building on St Lukes Campus.  The Library is open until 9pm, after which the 24/7 Study Room will continue to be available

Amory Study Centre offering a mix of silent, quiet and group study facilities, and a total of c240 seats.  The Amory Study Centre is usually open until 8pm but the Library has arranged special extended opening hours (until midnight) for t on Children in Need night, so that you can continue working here away from any disruption in the Forum.

The Amory Study Centre will be open for you until midnight on Friday 16th November


Two opportunities to donate your Library Fines to good causes!

We are pleased to announce that this Friday and next the Library will be teaming up with good causes to raise money for charity. Do you have any outstanding fines on your Library record? If you come in to The Forum Library, Research Commons or St Luke’s Campus Library on Friday 9th November or Friday 16th November we will be inviting you to donate the equivalent amount to charity rather than paying your fines to us. Donations must be cash only; see Library staff for details. We will also be collecting, so if you don’t have a fine to pay but would still like to donate you will be welcome to do so – please see Library staff.

Which charities are we supporting?

Friday 9th November: RAG

As part of RAG Week, on 9th November,  Library fines can be donated to the University RAG (Raising and Giving) society’s fundraising campaign. RAG supports a number of local and international good causes including Isaac’s House, Devon Rape Crisis Service, Newlife Foundation for Disabled Children, Force Cancer Charity, Exeter Community Action, The Eddystone Trust and Cancer Research UK. For more information on these worthy causes see the RAG website.


Friday 16th November: BBC Children in Need Appeal

November 16th is Children in Need day and the South West Party is being hosted from the Forum. The Forum Library will remain open as usual throughout this time but we are keen to support this very worthy cause, so all fines paid on this day can be donated instead to the BBC appeal. For more information on the campaign and how the money raised helps to make a real difference to the lives of children all across the UK see the Children in Need Website.

So please take these opportunities to give generously, support important charity work, and clear any outstanding fines on your Library record!

Network Downtime in Amory Study Centre 10th – 11th November

This weekend (Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th November) Exeter IT will be upgrading the network in the Amory Building. Unfortunately this means  there will be no network access (either wired or wi-fi) in the Amory Study Centre during this time. The building will be open for study as usual but those of you who need to access the network during this period are advised to study elsewhere.

Full network access and wi-fi will be available as normal in our other Library study spaces: The Forum Library, The Sanctuary, Research Commons and St Luke’s Campus Library. Library staff will be happy to help you find alternative study spaces during this time, or why not check out our Study Spaces Website?


The First World War: Personal Experiences

 Do you know about The First World War: Personal Experiences? This rich and varied digital collection reveals the voices and experiences of the men and women who served in the First World War. It includes: diaries, letters, personal narratives, photographs, recruiting posters and much more. It is available via the Electronic Library and the library catalogue. Don’t forget that if you need help using this resource or any of the library resources then your Subject Librarian will be happy to help. Find out more on our Getting Help page.

Library Quality Survey – tell us what you think!

You may have spotted the above posters and flyers going up round the Library. That’s because Monday 29th October sees the launch of the Library Quality Survey. This short online survey  is your chance to tell us what you think of your Library and your feedback really makes a difference!  The answers you provide help us to focus on the things that really matter to you and to make sure we are providing the service you need.

Here are just a couple of examples of the changes that have been instigated as the direct result of feedback  from previous years’ surveys:

  • You asked for more books and resources in your subjects. As a result we invested an extra £75k in core texts, delivering 2200 new texts of the most heavily demanded books on your reading lists. In addition, we launched the I want one of these student book suggestion scheme.
  • You asked for more study spaces. So we introduced a 24/7 study room and refreshment area to complement the 24/7 PC cluster at St Luke’s Library, and with alumni funding built a courtyard study garden. We also installed 4 additional PCs at St Luke’s and 22 new study desks.

So by stopping and taking a few minutes to complete the survey you can help make a real difference both to your own studies and for the benefit of future University of Exeter Library users.

And if that wasn’t incentive enough, when you complete the survey you’ll also be entered into our prize draw to win a hi-spec iPad!  What are you waiting for?

Please click here for more information and to start the survey.

The LibQUAL survey is open throughout November but please don’t delay, take a few minutes and let us know your views on the Library as soon as possible.

If you have any further questions about the Library Quality Survey please feel free to email us: