More study spaces added today!

Good news – we’ve added an extra 30 study spaces to the Forum Library. The desks are temporary and will be upgraded (new furniture is being ordered). Most are on Level -1, but there are a few on the other floors as well.

As well as these, there are some other higher height tables on the floors that could be used as standing desks for those of you who prefer it.

Dominion Law Reports Online

We now have access to the Dominion Law Reports Online.  You can access the series via the link on the library catalogue.

The services is provided by Carswell and Canada Law Book online and you login with your usual IT services username and password.  Choose Dominion Law Reports from the listing – shown highlighted below.


Then you can either browse for the material you want or run a search.  Note the highlighted areas below for browsing and search options.


Browse Table of Contents

You may use the table of contents to browse for a case or a section that you wish to review. Click on the Table of Contents tab which appears on the left side of the screen. You can then expand the menu by clicking on the small “+” symbol, or collapse the menu by clicking on the “-” symbol.


Catchlines Search

This form will search for term(s) in the index documents. Index documents consist of a collection of catchlines from similarly classified cases, including a link to the full-text judgment. To search, you can enter a word or phrase, and/or a court, and/or a date range and click ‘search’.

The ‘or search’ check box option allows you to expand your search to include search results for at least one of your terms. The ‘phrase search’ check box option will treat your search terms as a phrase.

To show words around hits, select the number of words to include in the pull-down box.

Case Law Search
The Case Law Search will search for term(s) within the cases. To search the Case Law, you can enter a word or phrase, and/or a court, and/or a judge, and/or a date range and click ‘search’.

The ‘or search’ check box allows you to broaden your search to find cases in which at least one of your search terms appears. The ‘phrase search’ check box will treat your search terms as a phrase.

To show words around hits, select the number of words to include in the pull-down box.

Case Name Search
The Case Name Search allows you to locate a case by party name. If you know the name of the case, simply enter the name in the box provided and click ‘search’. A ‘date range’ option is also provided to further narrow the search to a specific date range, as there can be cases with the same name.

Citation Search
The citation search allows you to go to a particular case or page of a case. Simply enter the Volume number, Page number, choose the relevant series from the pull-down menu and then click ‘search’.

Advanced Search
This option allows you to narrow your search to a particular folder, case or section. When you select the Advanced Search form, the Table of Contents will display check boxes next to the headings. The check boxes allow you to limit your search to the folders or sections that you wish to search. Simply enter the words you wish to search for, check the appropriate box(es) in the Table of Contents and click ‘search’.

The Advanced Search includes a Query Syntax Summary to help you enter your query correctly.

To show words around hits, select the number of words to include in the pull-down box.

DLR in print

We have access to print versions of the DLR up to Volume 375 of the Fourth Series in the Lasok Law Library – all subsequent volumes will be available online only.

A number of free resources are also available if you are interested in additional Canadian Case Law.  The CanlII  and the Lexum online services are recommended.

The CanLII website provides access to court judgments, tribunal decisions, statutes and regulations from all Canadian jurisdictions.

The Lexum collection contains the Supreme Court of Canada judgments since its creation in 1875 and judgments in leave applications since 2006. The collection is updated within minutes of the public release of the judgments by the Court.

Proceedings of the Old Bailey: 1674 – 1913

GSSlide3The Old Bailey Proceedings Online are a rich research resource,  making available a fully searchable, digitised collection of all surviving editions of the Old Bailey Proceedings from 1674 to 1913, and of the Ordinary of Newgate’s Accounts between 1676 and 1772. It allows access to over 197,000 trials and biographical details of approximately 2,500 men and women executed at Tyburn. Access is available free of charge for non-commercial use.

In addition to the text, accessible through both keyword and structured searching, the website provides digital images of all 190,000 original pages of the Proceedings, 4,000 pages of Ordinary’s Accounts, advice on methods of searching this resource, information on the historical and legal background to the Old Bailey court and its Proceedings, and descriptions of published and manuscript materials relating to the trials covered.

Full details about the project which was developed through a collaboration between the Universities of Hertfordshire and Sheffield and the Open University, and was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Big Lottery Fund is available online.

If your research relates to historical issues of crime, justice or punishment then you will want to explore this resource.  You can search by name and also by crime, verdict or punishment.  Online research guides are available to help you search effectively. The Getting Started guide will help you jump in and start exploring.

The trials contain much information of relevance to social and cultural historians as well as legal and criminological scholars.

Library IWOOT scheme


  • Need an item for your module, but it’s not in the library?
  • Want extra copies of an item that’s already in the library?
  • Think an e-book version of a book would help students read for your module?

Why not request the item by completing this online form and we will review it in the Library for purchase.

This scheme is designed to support book suggestions for students on taught courses. Members of staff and PGR students should submit suggestions through their department in the usual way.

Once we have received your form in the Library we will review it and let you know whether your request has been successful.

Financial Times online

Do you read the Financial Times?

Even if you’re not studying Business you will find a lot to interest you and support your studies in the online version, This is available to all members of Exeter University via the Electronic Library – listed under resource type Newspapers as Financial Times ( or via the library catalogue.

You don’t need a separate login – just sign in with your Exeter username and password and set up a free account using your Exeter email address and your own password. If you have problems getting into the online version use either of the links above to get back into contact. has all the articles and other information published in the print version since 2004, but it also has a lot more content which can be found on the toolbar under the Financial Times header. Videos are produced daily on news topics in business and politics; Special reports include other topics like the recent report on Combating rare diseases; the In depth section is a useful way of tracking recent subjects of major interest, like the refugee crisis in Europe.

You can read the FT online via your PC, laptop and most mobile devices. For more details see the section on in our ELE Business module.

New term, new simpler library borrowing

20140909_112222You told us that our library borrowing rules could be made simpler – so that is exactly what we have done!

New, rules are now in place to make it easier and simpler to understand and manage your library borrowing.

We also took the opportunity to change library fines, following our consultation with staff and students last academic year.

You can now see at a glance how many items you can borrow, how long you can keep them and also check on things like renewals, recalls and fines, all in one ‘at a glance’ table.

  Exeter Libraries


  • Standard : Print book or print journal
  • High Demand : Print book, print journal, DVD, other – Shelved in entrance area, marked with red dot

Cornwall Libraries

Standard loan periods are the same with slight variation in High demand and Audio-visual material. please see Penryn Campus Library – Loan periods.

For more detail about managing your library account, take a look at the Using the Library section of the Library website.

Digital Library 2015 New Resources

newIn addition to all the individual print and electronic books and journals that were added to Library collections during the course of last year, a number of significant online resources have been made available.

The Library announces all new online resources via the E-Library blog as soon as they come online, but as we head into a new academic session we thought it useful to highlight the significant online purchases made to date during 2015.

All resources are accessible via the Library Catalogue and Electronic Library.

E-book Packages


  • Anthropology 1993-2013 Archive & 2014 Collections
  • Classical Literature Archive 1994-2012
  • Classical Studies & Archaeology 2013 & 2014 Collections
  • History 2014 Collection
  • Literary Studies 2013 & 2014 Collections
  • Philosophy 2013 & 2014 Collections
  • Shakespeare Archive 2003-2012 Collections

Brill: International Law & Human Rights 2014 Collection

EBSCO: Education Ebook Collection

Elgar: Law 2014 Collection

Health Press Facts: ebook collection


  • Business & Management 2015
  • Economics & Finance 2015
  • History 2014 & 2015
  • International Relations & Development 2014 & 2015 Collections
  • Literature 2015
  • Media & Culture 2015
  • Politics 2014 & 2015 Collections
  • Social Sciences 2014 & 2015
  • Theatre & Performance 2013-2015 Collections


 Journal Packages

ACM Digital Library

American Physiological Society – Journals Digital Library

  • Upgrade to full package: all 10 APS journals plus 2 review journals

Annual Reviews

Brill Journals Package: Humanities, Social Sciences, International Law and selected Sciences

British Periodicals Collection III – ‘Great Eight’ illustrated periodicals of early 19th Century

Environment & Planning journal archive: A-E (from first issue through 2003)

IOS Press Journals

JSTOR Arts & Sciences XII, XIII & XIV Collections

Maney Journals Package

  • Archaeology,Conservation & Heritage Collection
  • History, Literature and Culture Collection

Nature – additional content

  • New titles: Protocols & Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
  • Archives: Nanotechnology, Photonics, Physics

Palgrave Macmillan Journal Package: Health, Business & Social Sciences

Progress in Human Geography & progress in Physical Geography: journal backfiles

Research Synthesis Methods

SIAM Journals

Taylor & Francis Journals Backfiles: selected content from HASS / STEM areas

Wiley Journal Backfiles: Humanites, Social Sciences and Sciences & Medicine


Research Databases / Resources

Agcensus: agricultural census dataset

American Film Scripts Online

BMJ Best Practice

British Online Archives – Papers of Charles Bradlaugh

Dictionary of Irish Biography

Drama Online

Empire Online

Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics

First World War Archives: two new modules added:

  • Propaganda and Recruitment
  • Visual Perspectives and Narratives


Loeb Library of Latin texts

Marketline Advantage

Oxford Bibliographies Online: Classics

Oxford Handbooks Online

  • Business & Management
  • Classical Studies
  • Criminology
  • Economics & Finance
  • History
  • Literature
  • Philosophy
  • Politics
  • Religion

Oxford Islamic Studies Online

Oxford Legal Research Library

Proquest Dissertations and Theses

World Treaty Library


News & Newspaper resources

Artemis Primary Sources: brings together Gale’s primary source collections for cross searching. The resources integrated into Artemis are:

  • Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)
  • Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCC)
  • Burney Newspaper Collection (17th-18thCentury Burney Collection Newspapers)
  • Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers
  • Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals Online
  • Financial Times Historical Archive
  • Illustrated London News Historical Archive
  • Times Digital Archive
  • Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive

Daily Mail Historical Archive 1896-2004

Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Reports 1941-1996

Proquest Historical Newspapers:

  • Chinese Newspaper Collection
  • Irish Times and Irish Weekly
  • Times of India


OpenStax College Books

openstax books: book covers

Image from OpenStax College website.

OpenStax College is a nonprofit organization committed to improving student access to quality  learning materials.   It offers professional-quality textbooks that are free online and low-cost in print in a range of areas. The content is aimed at supporting introductory US College courses, but could be useful for introductory undergraduate modules studied in the UK.

The books are also customisable so can incorporated into modules by lecturers  – at chapter or book level.  Or students can use these as free additional materials to support their recommended reading.

OpenStax College textbooks are licensed using a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY 3.0). This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon our works, even commercially, as long as they credit the authors for the original creation.

For more information, take a look at the OpenStax College website.

The subject coverage is growing. At present the following titles are available:

  • Algebra and Trigonometry
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • College Algebra
  • College Physics
  • College Physics for AP® Courses
  • Concepts of Biology
  • Introduction to Sociology 2e
  • Introductory Statistics
  • Precalculus
  • Principles of Economics
  • Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Principles of Macroeconomics for AP® Course
  • Principles of Microeconomics
  • Principles of Microeconomics for AP®
  • Psychology
  • U.S. History

Audio Resources from Oxford University Press



Oxford University Press makes sound recordings available for free via Soundcloud.  You’ll find a wide range of academic insights there that will be of interest to students, scholars, researchers, and anyone who has an interest in works published by OUP.

For example, you can hear:

Roger Luckhurst, Professor of Modern and Contemporary Literature at Birbeck, University of London, introduce and discuss Henry James’ ‘Portrait of a Lady’.

Dominic Berry, senior lecturer in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Edinburgh University and the translator of this volume, introduce Cicero and his world.

Fiona Stafford of Somerville College, Oxford, introduce and discuss Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’

A 1988 H.L.A. Hart  interview with the legal historian David Sugarman, remastered and released in full to celebrate the 3rd edition of Hart’s Concept of Law.

Have a look around and see if there are any recordings there that are of interest to you.  There are lots more to choose from.