Sponsors and Supporters


With thanks to:

International Astronomical Union (IAU) Supporting Divisions

Coordinating Division:
Division E Sun and Heliosphere

Supporting Divisions:
Division B Facilities, Technologies and Data Science
Division C Education, Outreach and Heritage
Division D High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics
Division G Stars and Stellar Physics

RAS and Affiliated Communities

Royal Astronomical Society (Geophysics): RAS (G)
UK Solar Physics community: UKSP
UK Sun-Planetary scientific community:
Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Solar-Terrestrial (MIST)

Sponsors and Funding Supporters

Sponsors Grant

The IAU is the Lead Sponsor and we have pleasure in acknowledging co-sponsorship from the SCOSTEP activity “Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial Impact” (VarSITI), the European Geophysical Union (EGU), the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS), the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA). These sponsors will support qualified scientists to whom only limited means of support are available, e.g. colleagues from economically less privileged countries, young scientists and participants with young children. Eligible participants are encouraged to apply for a Sponsors Grant at the time of abstract submission.

Event Funding Supporters

We have pleasure in acknowledging funding support from the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS), the European Space Agency (ESA), the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Astronomy Division, the University of Exeter College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences (EMPS), the Institute of Physics (IOP) Plasma Physics Group, the Journal Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences and donation support from Cambridge University Press (CUP), Oxford University Press (OUP) and the DK publisher. These event supporters help to further facilitate meeting attendance and inclusion in all social, cultural and educational events.

Support and Sponsorship opportunities

Further sponsorship opportunities are available. The conference is mostly financed by the participants’ fees. The organizers of the conference are seeking financial support from institutional or industrial sponsors to keep the fees at an acceptable level for all participants, facilitate meeting attendance and inclusion in all social and cultural events. Sponsor logos will be highly visible on the conference website, hand-outs and venues. Exhibition booths near the poster displays can be made available if required.

Please find detailed information in the Sponsoring Guide.

[pdf-embedder url=”http://blogs.exeter.ac.uk/iaus335/files/2016/06/IAUS335_SponsorshipFile.pdf”]

Should you be interested by sponsoring or exhibition space, please fill in the Sponsoring & Exhibition Application Form.

Please contact the for further details of sponsor packages.