YCTC is a boys’ juvenile correctional facility for youths aged 14-18.
It is home to boys who have been convicted of crimes and those who are on remand awaiting court dates.
The Mindful programme has had a huge impact amongst the inmates here at YCTC. They have embraced the programme and recognised the huge impact Mindfulness can have on their lives, so the programme is very sought after.
It was recognised by Charles, the Mindful Welfare Officer, how crucial it is for these youngsters to have this experience, to help them gain acceptance and an increased sense of self, to be present with and able to control their emotions in order to help them rehabilitate, to reform their thought processes and prepare themselves to live their future in a positive way when they leave prison, or when they are convicted – in order to maintain hope of life beyond bars.
The transformation of their minds was inspirational; their understanding was deep, their passion was bold and their creativity of expression of their teachings was captivating. The Mindful trainees shared testimonies and created poems and dramas to demonstrate and further share their understanding and experiences of how Mindfulness has helped them and how Mindfulness can help others.
The YCTC team of Mindful trainees and Mindful Welfare Officers has recognised a need for a condensed Mindfulness programme that will enable them to reach the young men whose stays with them are short – to provide them with the personal skills and the Mindfulness tools of self-awareness and control over their emotions and being, in order to reintegrate and become positive role models who can contribute to society, rather than repeating cycles and ending up back in prison.