Current Awareness

Do you know how to keep up-to-date in your subject area? There are many different kinds of current awareness services available to alert you to the information which is likely to be relevant to you. Choose JournalTocs or ZETOC (the  Electronic Table of Contents from the British Library). Register with one of these services, and the latest articles or journal titles related to your interests will be sent to your e-mail.  It will save you a lot of time!

You can also register with some databases for weekly alerts, and some of the services enable you to save searches to be run again later. They allow you to set up email or RSS alerts for your saved searches; whenever the database is updated, you will be notified  automatically of any new search results produced by your saved searches.

There is more information on the electronic library; opt for Current Awareness services under Resources, or look on ELE under the Library and Research Skills , where there is a section on  Current Awareness with tips and tutorials.

  • Getting Help web pages (section on Current Awareness)

Maintenance in the Forum Library: advance warning

The Amory Study Centre, an ideal quiet study alternative while maintenance is undertaken at the Forum Library


If you are planning to visit the Forum Library tomorrow please note the following…

We are expecting some disruption in the Forum Library tomorrow (Monday 8th July 2013) while some essential maintenance is carried out on our toilet facilities. We are expecting the temporary closure of the Ladies and Gents toilets in the central block by the PC Cluster on all 3 floors of the Forum Library while maintenance is undertaken during the morning (from 08.30 onwards). During this period please use alternative facilities available on Level 0 (towards the rear stairwell) or across in the Forum.

There is likely also to be some noise disruption while the work is being undertaken. Library staff will be on hand to direct you to quieter study spaces that should be unaffected such as the Lasok Law Library, Learning Hub rooms or the Amory Study Centre.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this essential maintenance. We hope the work will completed within a few hours but please do ask Library staff if you need any additional support during this time.

Thelma Awards

Our nomination as Outstanding Library of the Year 2013 in the Thelmas




It was with great pride that Exeter University Library were nominated this year in the Times Higher Education Leadership and Management’s Award (Thelma’s) for “Outstanding Library Team” of the Year 2013.

Though we were not successful we are very proud to have been in the running and three of our staff attended the event held at the Grosvenor House Hotel, London on 20th June, 2013.

Library IWOOT scheme

A big thank you to everyone who has put in a suggestion to the Library ‘I want one of these’ scheme.  The following titles, suggested by you, are just a few of those that have been ordered this month!  If you are a student on a taught course and the library does not currently have a title you need for your course then please go to our Online form at IWOOT

Inter Library Loans Price Increase in Line with British Library

From the 1st August 2013 the British Library will once again be increasing their charges for Inter Library Loans (ILLs).  We have been subsidising this service for several years and this annual increase has reached a stage where we are now unable to afford to maintain this subsidy. Alongside this other lending libraries will be raising their prices in line with the British Library meaning also increased charges for borrowing from elsewhere.

So in consequence we are now forced to raise our charge for ILLs for the first time in five years.

We have decided to have a two year staged increase in pricing in order to try and minimise the impact on our users, so from 1st August 2013 we will increase our charge to £10.50 per ILL request and £5.00 per renewal. Then in Summer 2014 the price will again rise to £12.50 to take us in line with British Library charging.  Subsequently it will rise incrementally in line with BL pricing.

We also want to draw your attention to the upcoming trial during the Summer of a new online ILL request service. This will make it possible to order and pay for your ILLs without visiting the library in person, and (in the case of articles) to have them delivered electronically to your desktop.  We hope that this will offer a much easier and higher quality service to our users, particularly distance learners and researchers.

If you have any questions or feedback then please contact Carol Giles  

Find that research paper (and more!) on Open Research Exeter!

Have you browsed through Open Research Exeter (ORE) recently? Why not have a look?

The university’s online repository showcases all types of Exeter’s research, including research papers, research data and theses. Research in ORE can be viewed and downloaded freely by researchers and students all over the world.

If you need a full-text copy of a research paper or PhD thesis by a UoE researcher, this is the place to look!

Here are some examples of ORE content:

For more information about how to put your own research outputs into ORE see our Open Access pages.


Please note our Summer Opening Hours

Our Libraries are open daily throughout the summer period, with staff on hand and happy to help 7 days a week. But what about our after hours self-service facilities? If you’re planning to study late this summer then some spaces will be available but please note there will be a few restrictions on our 24/7 provision during August and early September. Here’s a little more information to help you plan ahead…

You told us you wanted more 24/7 facilities over the Summer. We listened and the good news is we have been able to extend the period of 24/7 opening at the Forum Library this summer.  Although the vacation period has already begun this year the Forum will remain accessible to current University staff and students 24 hours a day right up until August 2nd!

From 3rd August – 8th September there will be a short period when 24/7 access is not available with the Forum Library closing each day when staffed services end. This will be at 21.00 on week days and 18.00 on Saturdays, Sundays and on Bank Holiday Monday August 26th. Full details are available here.

On St Luke’s Campus the 24/7 study room and PC Cluster in St Luke’s Library will remain accessible via swipe card throughout the whole Summer, so this would be a good alternative if you need to study late during the short period when the Forum Library is not open over night. On Streatham Campus alternative 24/7 computer clusters will be available, for example in Queen’s Building and Amory: Library staff will be able to provide you with  full details of these alternative spaces nearer the time.

We are delighted to report that 24/7 access to the Forum Library will resume on a permanent basis from 9th September.

Full details of all our opening hours can be found on our website. If you are planning to visit and study late this summer please do keep in mind the period during which the Forum Library won’t be available 24 hours a day. For any advice on alternative study spaces during this short period please speak to Library staff who will be happy to advise.


Syon Abbey manuscript and book collections

We are lucky enough to care for some amazing collections here in Special Collections and one of our most widely used and most beautiful are the Syon Abbey collections.

The community of Bridgettine nuns at Syon Abbey, South Brent, Devon is unusual in being able to trace an unbroken tradition reaching back to their Abbey’s foundation. The order founded at Syon Abbey in 1415 became a major focal point of religious activity in the sixteenth-century and was well-known for its publication of religious literature. A surviving set of rules for Syon Abbey emphasises the importance of books and instructs the sisters in their proper care. Both the nuns and the monks had their own libraries but no catalogue of the nuns’ medieval library has survived and little is known about what physically happened to either of the libraries following the Abbey’s dissolution in 1539.

At the dissolution, the nuns went into exile and lived first in the Low Countries and later in Portugal. From the mid-sixteenth-century to 1809, when the nuns returned to England, the sisters lived as an English community at Lisbon. The collection of archives and books attracts considerable research interests from throughout the world.

The collections contain liturgical and theological manuscripts, dating between the 15th and 17th centuries and the extensive book library contains pre-1850 titles from the library of Syon Abbey.

Information on the archives can be seen on our online archives catalogue here and the books are catalogued on the library catalogue. There is further information on our website at

Top tips for borrowing during the Summer

The end of term is nearly here! If you’re taking off for the Summer then from all of us at the Library, have a great time and enjoy the break! But don’t forget our Libraries will be open every day throughout the summer and that our loan rules continue as normal throughout the vacation period.

What does this mean for you?

Don’t forget to return any books you won’t be using before you leave Exeter

This means for the many students and staff who arrive or choose to stay in Exeter during holiday periods we are here and open to provide help, support, study space and the resources you need. If you are going away from Exeter you are welcome to take books with you (though we advise against taking Library resources abroad) but do keep in mind that you will be responsible for renewing any items you borrow regularly throughout the vacation. You can do this online by logging in to your Library record.  Please remember also that books can still be recalled by other library users.

How do recalls work? 

If a book on loan to you is requested by another Library user, you will get an email informing you of this and providing a new date by which to return it. So it is important you check your email regularly if you are borrowing stock during the holidays. Recalled books cannot be renewed and may be due earlier than the original due date. With normal loan books, you should get a week within which to return the item. This should be sufficient time to return the items by UK post if necessary and you are welcome to do this.  Library books should not be taken overseas.

Our recall policy exists to ensure fair access to our stock for all library users, so don’t forget if the books you need are on loan you can recall them at any time of year. Learn more about how to place reservations here.

As always if you need help, or have any questions about managing your library record do please get in touch: 

5 Top tips for stress-free borrowing during the Summer:

  • Return any books you don’t need before you leave Exeter. Please don’t leave Library resources locked up in your room or office over the summer, it isn’t fair to take them out of circulation if you’re not using them either and they could get recalled by other borrowers.
  • If you do take our books away with you, be sure to renew them regularly (weekly for Short Loans, and every 4 weeks for Normal Loans). Do not take Express Collections items away from Exeter.
  • Think Recall! Any item you borrow can be recalled by another user so please check your email regularly and be prepared to return items by post if necessary.
  • Staff are here to help! If you have any problems or questions about recalls, renewals or anything else please get in touch as soon as possible. We’re available to help 7 days a week throughout the vacation period.
  • Don’t forget, the Library is so much more than just printed books: we also provide access to over 100 research databases, more than 30,000 electronic journals and thousands of e-books. All our electronic resources are available off campus, so you may not need to take hard copies away with you this summer!

Want to become employable?

If you have just finished your exams you may have started looking for or applying for jobs. While the Career Zone should be your first port of call, it is worth remembering that the library can help too.

When you start applying for jobs in business it is important to find out as much as you can, then if you are lucky enough to get an interview you will know what sort of questions you may be asked and what you could ask them. The Electronic Library has a number of databases which can give you news and updates, as well as detailed company information. Have a look at the guide to Researching companies to find out more.  

If you want advice on subjects like writing a CV or preparing for interviews have a look at BookBoon’s free site on Careers.  As well as short blogs with practical advice this site also includes short books, which can be downloaded free – you just need to register with your name and email.

Don’t forget to use the help provided by employability offices in your Colleges, like Social Sciences and International Studies and the Business School.