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Student Case Study: University of Exeter

Name of Student: Laura Dougherty

Degree Subject: MSci Biochemistry

Type of Internship: Access to Internships (A2I)

Company Name: University of Exeter

Job Title: Research Assistant

What were your key duties and responsibilities during your internship?

I planned and ran many immunoassay tests, predominantly ELISAs. I also produced and purified samples from several pathogenic fungi, which will be used for further testing.

What was your biggest achievement on your internship?

I produced high quality data which will be used to help make tests for the diagnosis of several deadly fungal infections. I feel a great sense of achievement to have contributed to such a worthwhile project.

Were there any challenges and how did you overcome these?

The results of one of my larger tests was unexpected. I successfully investigated the cause and had identified that one of the elements used was degrading over time. This is important for the group I was working with to be aware of as they will adjust their experiments going forward.

Skills Learnt: 

  • Ability to Work Under Pressure
  • Organisation
  • Decision Making
  • Networking
  • Report writing

Attributes Developed:

  • Initiative
  • Perseverance
  • Professionalism
  • Confidence
  • Logical thinking

Your message to other students considering a similar job role, organisation or sector?

“My internship experience was really worthwhile. I worked with a group who were developing better tests for several deadly fungal infections. I have gained a lot of experience and confidence, particularly in planning and running experiments independently. I also developed my analytical and problem-solving skills. I produced high quality results and gained useful team-working experience. I received professional support throughout my internship and really enjoyed my time working as part of this group and feel like I have a better grasp of how I wish to progress my career.”

Employer Case Study: University of Exeter

Name of Organisation: University of Exeter

Name of Employer: Fabrizio Nevola

Job Title: Prof Art History and Visual Culture

Internship Scheme used: Student Campus Partnership (SCP) | Employer Engagement & Student Employment | University of Exeter


“Interns worked as part of the interpretation team as part of a RAMM pop-up exhibition on the High Street. These were public-facing roles and I thin they all developed skills in making the research in the show more accessible to audiences. They also ended up having to align to the objectives of the organisers – around a public consultation – more than they had perhaps expected.

It has been really good to be able to bring students into active roles in the dissemination of research through this internship opportunity. I think this was a valuable experience for them to work with our local community and museum and develop skills in working with the public.”


Employer Case Study: University of Exeter

Name of Organisation: University of Exeter

Name of Employer: Lucie

Job Title: Head of Communications and Marketing

Internship Scheme used: Graduate Business Partnership (GBP) , 


“Our intern managed our Humanities social media accounts and did a great job of improving the quality frequency and reach of our content. Creating a ‘Global Toolkit’ resource for use during international trips

Would definitely recommend the internship scheme through the university. I’ve used in several times now and have ended up with some brilliant candidates who hit the ground running and were able to bring a fresh perspective to tasks and projects.”

Employer Case Study: Department of Modern Languages & Cultures, University of Exeter

Name of Organisation: Department of Modern Languages & Cultures, University of Exeter

Name of Employer: Hugh Roberts

Job Title: Professor of French

Internship Scheme used: Student Campus Partnership (SCP) | Employer Engagement & Student Employment | University of Exeter


“Following an initial with Dr Lizzy Williamson (in Digital Humanities) and me, our intern produced a sample in TEI/xml (text encoding) of a poem and related trial record of a research project I’ve been working on. Subsequently, she also produced a style sheet that will allow us to develop a digital edition further and for Digital Humanities to produce a prototype website.

The student produced all aspects of the TEI/xml sample from inception to completion. This is highly specialized work and a significant achievement. It means she has proven herself as a programmer for Digital Humanities and other initiatives.

This was a great opportunity for our intern to learn more about TEI/xml following her introduction to it in Oxford in the summer. It will also allow me to demonstrate the viability of the digital elements of the research project in subsequent research grant bids.”

Employer Case Study: University of Exeter, College Operations

Name of Organisation: University of Exeter, College Operations

Name of Employer: Sarah Miller

Job Title: Project Resource coordinator, Response Team

Internship Scheme used: Graduate Business Partnership (GBP) , 


“Initially our intern was going to assigned basic administration duties (such as contacting students to chase for information and forms, internet research on entry requirements etc. However, it became apparent that the student could be trusted with a greater level of responsibility and was assigned his own Field Trips to organise. This involves liaising with the academics on trip requirements and keeping them updated on progress, consulting with providers, collating student data, using University procurement procedures and finance systems to secure travel arrangements, liaising with DCO’s for large purchases, arranging insurance, preparing data packs and circulating to key stakeholders. Trip support whilst the groups are out in the field.

He has been brilliant and we couldn’t have asked for better. He has made a huge difference to what the team has been able to achieve and our stress levels. He is also highly regarded by the academics and Sam Hughes, who he has been working on a couple of trips for, has said how brilliant he has been to work with.

Our intern is going to be very much missed not just by those of use working on field trips but also the wider SEAS team and all those he has been interacting with. I have said this many times – he has exceeded our expectations and been critical to the trips he has been working on going ahead.”


Employer Case Study: Altum Media

Name of Organisation: Altum Media

Description of Organisation: Altum Media is an outstanding marketing unit. Not only do they have excellent creative skills, from writing to visual assets, they understand the landscape of digital marketing across all channels with sound technical nous to back it all up.

Name of Employer: Nathan Hoare

Job Title: Owner / Director

Internship Scheme used: Access to Internships (A2I) 


“Our intern slotted into the team seamlessly and completed copywriting tasks for Altum and our clients on time and to a high standard, bringing new ideas and creativity into the role.

They produced a marketing brochure for one of our clients which was completed to a very high standard.

The internship was great from start to finish and we have offered our intern a causal role while she remains in Exeter and considers her future options.”

Employer Case Study: University of Exeter, Geography Department

Name of Organisation: University of Exeter

Name of Employer: Caitlin Kight

Job Title: Manager, Academic Development and Skills

Internship Scheme used: Student Campus Partnership (SCP) | Employer Engagement & Student Employment | University of Exeter


“Our interns designed and implemented a research project involving both staff and student surveys. They analysed the data and generated two key outputs: a presentation, which they delivered at an education away day in Geography, and a set of analytical tools supporting future efforts in the department. They also made recommendations for additional outputs and provided us with a list of ‘next steps’ for the project.

The research project itself was phenomenal, but I think that even more impactful was the interns’ presentation at the away day. This was delivered to a roomful of staff, so it must have been very intimidating, but it was very powerful and impressed everyone. It provoked a lot of great discussion and will lead to genuine change in curriculum design.

They were not just a great addition to the project; they actually helped shape the project and drive it forward so that it could yield innovative and useful outputs that will make a meaningful difference to curriculum in the Geography Department. They worked creatively, independently, and rigorously, leading on surveys, focus groups, data analysis, and presentation of results. I have already used their project as a case study to recommend similar work in other disciplines, and the Geography academics will be using their data to decide next steps for future education research projects.

Both students steered the group towards a different but better method of data collection that ultimately provided a more insightful and meaningful snapshot of the situation in Geography. Specifically, they suggested that we collected both staff and student opinions on the same topic and then compare these in order to see whether the two groups perceived an issue the same way or perhaps in conflicting ways. What we found was the latter, which was unexpected but also very revealing; we would not have had this surprising result without the interns’ input.

I had a wonderful time working with our interns and I know I speak for the rest of the project team as well when I say that it was an enriching and inspiring experience. I felt that I learned more during this project than I would have without them in the team, and I am working hard to find ways of not only building on their legacy, but also giving them an opportunity to stay involved in our work over the long term.”

Employer Case Study: Mind in Somerset

Name of Organisation: Mind in Somerset

Description Of Company: Mind’s core purpose is to provide services and support to anyone affected by mental illness, improving their quality of life and wellbeing.

Name of Employer: Victoria Poole

Job Title: Funding Manager

Internship Scheme used:  Access to Internships (A2I) 


“Our intern was an excellent asset to the team. Very proactive with great skills and willing to get involved in many areas of the charity. She helped with an outstanding finance and HR project.

She was incredible – very well prepared and fitted in to the team seamlessly. She genuinely wanted to be there, to help and to learn which was fantastic. I highly recommend this scheme.”

Employer Case Study: Dept of Modern Languages and Cultures

Name of Organisation: Dept of Modern Languages and Cultures

Name of Employer: Katie Brown

Job Title: Senior Lecturer

Internship Scheme used: Student Campus Partnership (SCP) | Employer Engagement & Student Employment | University of Exeter


“Our intern was instrumental in organising the conference, handling a large amount of correspondence with participants, putting the programme together and ensuring the smooth running of the hybrid event throughout the day. She showed exceptional organisational skills and kept calm under pressure.

The student and I met regularly to discuss tasks that needed to be completed. She was very efficient and self-reliant, but checked in with me whenever an important decision needed to be made. She worked very effectively on the day of the conference, helping the day to run smoothly. She worked in Spanish most of the time and demonstrated her strong linguistic skills.”

Employer Case Study: RAMM

Name of Organisation: Royal Albert Memorial Museum

Description of Organisation: RAMM will enhance people’s quality of life. It’s a place of discovery which encourages everyone to be curious. RAMM uses its local and global collections to connect people to the world and inspires them to shape a better future.

Name of Employer: Nicki McCaskie

Job Title: Marketing and Communications Officer

Internship Scheme used: Graduate Business Partnership (GBP) , 


“Our intern ran a campaign for us, Treasures of the Museum, which was highly successful at getting families into RAMM and engaging with our collections through a museum trail. Treasures of the Museum was part of a wider summer campaign which resulted in RAMM achieving over 140% of predicted visits for the summer period. Our social media audiences & engagement stats have also increased over all platforms during our interns time with us, including over 1000 more Twitter followers. Our Instagram channel has greatly improved with high quality posts and regular Instagram stories.

Thanks to an award application written by our incredible intern, RAMM is a finalist in this year’s Devon Tourism Awards for the Ethical, Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Award category. Internally, our Audience Development meetings are now more organised and better-recorded thanks to our intern’s planning skills and note-taking.

Our intern has been excellent; she settled into our team straight away, and has become a valued member over the past 15 months. She responded well to challenges presented by the pandemic, working flexibly and solving problems as they arose. We were extremely impressed by her creativity, her communication skills, her dedication to the role and her passion for the museum.”