anonymous monk and the (mechanical) Dragon of Rome
anonymous saint and the Dragon of the Circle of Spittle
Agilus of Resbach and the Dragon of Resbach
Amand of Mastricht [a] and the Dragon of the Isle of Ogia
Ammon and the Dragon of the Egyptian Desert
Andrew, apostle [a] and the Dragon of Thessalonica
Armel (Ermel, Armagilius) [a] and the Dragon of Rennes
Armel [c]
Armentarius (Hermentaire) of Antibes and the Dragon of Draguignan
Arsacius (Arsace, Ursacius) of Nicomedia [a] and the Dragon of Nicomedia
Arsacius [b]
Artemon of Laodicea [a] and the Dragons of Asclepius in Caesarea
Artemon [b]
Athenogenes and the Dragon of the Land of the Goths
Beatus (Beat, Bienheuré, Bié) of Vendôme and the Dragon of Vendôme
Benedict of Montecasino [a] and the dragon vision
Bernacus (Bernachius, Brenach, Brynach) of Nevern and the Dragon of Rome