Narcissus of Gerundum (Girona) and the Dragon of Augsburg
Neventerius and Derien and the Basilisk-dragon of the river Élorn
Nicasius, Quirinus and Scuviculus/ Scubiculus and the Dragon of Vaux
Nicholas of Myra and the sea-dragon
Parasceve of Sicily and the Dragon of Acireale
Paris of Teano and the Dragon of Teano
Patrick [a] and the Serpents of Ireland
Paulus Aurelianus of Léon (Pol de Léon) [a] and the Dragon of the Isle of Battha
Paulus Aurelianus [b]
Paulus Simplex (Haplos) and a dragon-demon in the Egyptian Desert
Paulus and Juliana of Nicomedia and the serpents of the sorcerers
Pavacius of le Mans and the Dragon of le Mans
Peregrinus and the Dragon of Caltabellotta
Perpetua and the dragon-vision
Peter of Athos and his vision of a dragon and its serpent army
Petroc (Pedrog) [a] and the Dragon of Cornwall
Petroc [b]
Philip, apostle [a] and the Echidna and the Dragons of Ophyorhyme; and the Dragon of Scythia
Philip [b]
Polyxena and the dragon vision
Portianus and the wine serpent